1st Charlotte Mason Carnival of 2011
Welcome to the very first 2011 edition of the Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival!
Amy at Fisher Academy International presents Plutarch Study – Alexander as part of their study of citizenship, character training, and of course, history.
Need some ideas for history study? Kris at Science of Relations shares Colonial History, an 11-week reading schedule on colonial history based on books in the public domain. Or Bethany‘s post, Our Study of English History, may be just what you’re looking for. Posted at Little Homeschool Blessings.
I used to think history was boring. Homeschooling changed my mind. Jennifer at Becoming THAT Family gives us more reasons to enjoy history study, including wisdom from Ms. Mason herself: Why Study History?
Eve gives us a little fun hands-on history lesson (plus “masterly inactivity”) from her home in Hands-on History: Mummies at Inchworm Chronicles.
Melissa at Bugs, Knights, and Turkeys in the Yardshares the fun she’s having fun with geography as she learns alongside her kids: Thoughts on Charlotte Mason Geography.
Yay for narration! Nancy at Sage Parnassus bring us Scintillations From Their Own Genius — more wonderful reasons to include narration in our homeschools!
Jennifer presents Naomi’s Parsha Narration & Picture: Vayigash posted Jennifer at Adventures in Mama-Land, says, “I wasn’t sure if narration would work with my strong-willed 5-year-old, but when it comes to our weekly Torah (bible) portion, we are BOTH thrilled with the results!” In another post about narration, Naomi’s house on the prairie, Jennifer shares her daughter’s narration and says it can start younger than you might think!
Enjoy the lovely nature study in Katey‘s post, School Outside the Classroom, posted at Crazy Homeschool Mama.
We have snow here right now, and enjoyed observing some animal tracks in the snow. Not something we often get to do in Georgia! Susannah at The Five of Us shares her post on Nature Study/ Animal Tracks.
Sherry at Living and Learning presents a delightful photo essay of her family’s Nature Connections 2010. She’s also thinking of more ways to make her yard more inviting in Outdoor Playspaces.
Tricia‘s art tutorials always make me happy. (And get me feeling a wee bit inadequate in the artsy department, truth be told!) Enjoy her Art with Pastels Plus Winter Fun Tutorial at Habits for a Happy Home, saying, “Our habit of art with pastels plus a winter fun tutorial (a cute snowman 🙂 Links to the sixteen other free tutorials included.”
I am so glad Nadene shared this post! I love hymn study but have unintentionally dropped it entirely this year. Maybe her Hymn Study Schedule for 2011 at PracticalPages will help me get it going again!
Barb is so helpful in making somewhat daunting subjects seem easier, as in this post: But I Don’t Like Mahler….What To Do Now? posted at Harmony Art Mom. Barb says, “Composer study can be personalized to fit your child and family. I wrote some specific suggestions in this post.”
Need a weekly dose of Charlotte Mason? Chris presents Mondays with Miss Mason posted at MOB:Mothers of Boys, saying, “Let’s share weekly words of wisdom from Miss Mason to keep us on track during our homeschooling journey. Join me for Mondays with Miss Mason beginning in January!”
Jennifer at Adventures in Mama-Land celebrate’s Ms. Mason’s birthday as she ponders her teachings in Six-Word Saturday: 25 Teves, 5771.
Charlotte Mason Education 101 is a great overview of Charlotte Mason’s philosophy of teaching, along with some inspiration and insight from Silvia at Homeschooling in a Bilingual Home.
I’m happy to be part of a new blog specifically committed to encouraging moms who are learning as they teach their children. It’s founded on a Charlotte Mason principle expressed in this quote of hers: “If mothers could learn to do for themselves what they do for their children when these are overdone, we should have happier households.” Thank you to Melissa for sharing this post about the new blog: Educating Mother.
Pamelaat Blah, Blah, Blog shares her thoughts on preventing the spread of a deadly disease: Toxic and Contagious Attitudes.
Jennifer tackles a difficult topic in Racism in kids’ classics: what do you do…? posted at Adventures in Mama-Land. She invites your thoughts and advice on the subject.
This post has been starred in my google reader since she posted it: Nadene‘s Linger, Listen, Lift up and Live the Word, posted at PracticalPages. She says, “The Lord has gently led us to study His word in a new way.” I love this!
Thank you so much for joining us today!
Submit your own blog article to the next edition of The Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival using the submission form. This is also a great time to announce that Amy in Peru has graciously agreed to take over administration of this blog carnival. It’s been an honor for me to do it for the past year (or has it been two?), but it’s time to let someone else take over. I know Amy will do a wonderful job with it!

Wife, mom, J-ma. Introvert who enjoys good books, sunshine, and authentic conversation. Often seen with a steaming mug of tea in hand – unless it’s lost yet again in the microwave. Read more »
Thanks so much to all of the contributors and to Jamie for putting it all together in such a readable way! This is a long one – it will have to be savored over a period of days! Jamie, thanks for your time administrating this blog carnival and thanks to Amy for taking it on! (Let me know when you need another host, Amy.) Happy New Year to you all!
Happy New Year! Thanks for all your work on the carnival! You’ve done an amazing job. I’m sure Amy will continue your tradition of excellence. Thanks for posting my blog on narration. When I’m done with snow removal and school, I’ll sit down and enjoy all these rich posts. I’ve linked from my blog and from our ning network, Charlotte Mason on the Prairie.
Ring true,
Thank you for hosting this carnival! It looks so nice.
Jamie this is perfect for snow day reading. Thank you!! And…on the pastels. You notice I’m the one taking the photos?? It’s Nana leading and the children stepping up. All the simple lessons take about 10 minutes each. Messy and forgiving – in the artsy department 🙂 All for fun.
What a wonderful way to start off the new year, with a full and fabulous blog carnival! Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for putting this together and including us! I look forward to reading through it with my coffee in the morning. 🙂
This looks fantastic, Jamie! Great way to start of 2011! Thank you for all of your hard work!
Thank you for a wonderful carnival. I loved reading all these posts. There is a wealth of inspiration here!
May God bless you as you hand the baton over to Amy and may He release the ‘new’ in your life this year.
Oh… I’m so excited to get back over here SOON to read these posts! I’m at internet cafe at the moment checking all my e-mails over the last week and a half without a connection! Meanwhile, I’m attempting to live and school peacefully in the midst of chaos 😉
Thanks for your excellent post and all the work you’ve done over the last year(s)
amy in peru
We should be back on track for full-blown homeschool next week. It’s about time! Yeesh! Enough transitions!