self care

2017 Goals

I’m not a big resolution setter. After all, who can compare to the Godfather of Resolutions? But I do like to set goals, and the beginning of a new year is as good a time as any. I revisit my annual goals again at my birthday since the anniversary of my birth seems like another logical time for analyzing life; in my case, it’s conveniently situated right in the middle of the calendar year, so that works out well!

2017 Goals

I’ve written smaller, more specific goals on pages here and there throughout my supposed-to-be-bullet journal that didn’t turn out that way. Anyway, I’ve grouped my goals under the umbrella of larger categories.

1- Work as a fitness trainer again.

I’ll be leading a new running club in our town, beginning later this month. I may start teaching a fitness class at the local rec center. As soon as I can figure out the when and particularly where, I’d like to take on a few personal training clients. This goal, of course, includes my continuing education.

2- Keep the status quo for the kids’ schooling.

Scout will continue at the private school she started attending this year; she’s doing fantastic there. Kathryn will continue homeschooling on through high school, which is only another two years. I’m taking it year by year with almost-8 year old Jem, but right now I’m planning at least two more years of homeschooling to allow him to go at his own pace. My kids are all so different, and I’m glad we have options on how to create the best educational experience for each of them.

I’ll do my homeschool planning as we approach the end of the school year.

3- Treat myself like an athlete.

It feels weird typing the word “athlete” in regard to myself, but I had a little epiphany about it while reading a great book about women’s fitness and nutrition. I’ve told Ken how frustrated I’ve felt with how much longer it seems to take me to recover than many other runners I know, even those older than me, despite the fact I’m pretty good about taking care of myself and doing the “right” things.

I’ve already signed up for four half-marathons this year. I’ll do a few shorter races as well, and might end up doing a fifth half marathon. I’m (very!) tentatively planning a full marathon in 2018. That’s a lot to ask from a body. I’m great at prioritizing sleep (ask me how often I go to bed at 9PM), but nutrition is where I slack because I’m just so tired of feeding all these people who live in my house! Do any of you other moms feel my pain!?

So I’m going to start doing a better job of planning and prepping my own meals. I’ll make things that fuel me well, even if it’s different than what I’m making for the rest of the family. It’s definitely more work but the payoff is worth it; I’ve already seen an improvement in how I feel overall since starting this just a few weeks ago.

4- Creative expression.

A change in routine threw a wrench in my creative time, so I’ll have to get intentional about it again. Kathryn and I have plenty of ideas of things we’d like to make together, maybe even for an online/etsy shop, but I also get a creative kick out of art journaling, zentangling, and even blogging. I plan to bring out my wooden flute and re-learn how to play it as well!

Although reading isn’t an expression of creativity, it does fuel my brain so I include my book addiction in this category. I have a rather vague goal of reading 50 books this year, with a few classics in the mix. This should be very doable considering the fact I read 67 books last year.

5- Spend more time outdoors.

We do get outside more often since moving here, but I still want more! I think I’m feeling this more lately because the weather has been colder, and the construction next door has made it feel unsafe to let the kids bike and skate on our road with all the big trucks coming and going. Thankfully, they’re only a few weeks away from completing construction.

Running has upped my outdoor time greatly in the past year, and it’s been fantastic for my mental well-being. I haven’t kayaked nearly as often as I’d hoped, but that’s primarily because I haven’t (yet!) figured out a good way to load and unload kayaks from the top of my car when I don’t have Ken to assist.

For the purposes of healthier, happier dogs, I want to start taking them for regular walks. My snag here is in how ferociously Piper barks when we meet other dogs; with off-leash dogs in the neighborhood and on the beach, this feels like a dog fight waiting to happen — but I can’t train her out of this unless I walk her! (Suggestions welcome!)

6-  Be involved in our local community.

If I follow through on what I already have planned, then I’ve got this one covered. I’ve already mentioned the new running club and the possibility of teaching a fitness class at the rec center. In addition, Kathryn and I will be volunteering with the sea turtle protection program again this summer, and we should have our Little Free Library all set up soon. I think that’s plenty of involvement for this introvert!

What about you? Do you make New Year’s resolutions or do some sort of goal setting at a particular time each year? Have you chosen a word or focus for the year? I’d love to hear about it!

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Alisha Gratehouse

It’s funny you should say that about referring to yourself as an “athlete.” I’m going through ChaLEAN Extreme (for the ??? time) and she says, “From here on out, you need to see yourself as an athlete.” I’ve always laughed at this part because I was always the least athletic in school. I took band to get out of doing P.E. Ha! Guess I need to change my mindset after all!

And FOUR half marathons?!?! You ROCK!