4th of July: Food, Fun, Friends, and Puppies!
Lindsey’s friend Deanna spent the weekend with us again. Even when we don’t do much of anything exciting, I think she enjoys just hanging out; she currently lives in a group foster home for girls, and even though it’s a pretty good place, it’s not the same as having a family. And although we really can be quite boring, I know she had fun spending this holiday weekend with us, rather than at the home.
For our Fourth of July celebration, we started the day with church, then enjoyed a cookout with friends who live nearby. Right now, they have a house-full of dogs: two grown yellow labs, and an 8-week-old pup named Callie. One of Callie’s littermates belongs to their son’s girlfriend, so her puppy Daisy visits often, too.
I think we all probably gained at least five pounds during our incredible meal — and the dogs begged mercilessly. Could you resist those eyes?
We followed the meal with some homemade ice cream {yum!} and learned how to play a fun but somewhat confusing new game called “Would You Rather…?” Then the teenagers fashioned a make-shift slip-n-slide out of a long tarp.
Meanwhile, I played with puppies. Did I mention how much I love puppies? 🙂
(Blurry photo right before the puppies tackled me!)
That night, Ken and the girls went to watch fireworks with our friends, but I stayed home to babysit our scaredy-cat dog. Lacy the not-so-WonderDog tried to hide in the cabinet under the kitchen sink, tried to squeeze into the refrigerator when I opened it, and followed me everywhere, even in the bathroom! When I sat at the computer, she hid under the desk and drooled on my feet. I didn’t want to leave her at home alone, though, because she is terrified of fireworks.
NOW for some good news I haven’t shared with you yet! Deanna has a very good prospect for being adopted soon — and it just so happens that it’s this family we spent the day with! This has been in the works for a couple of months, after our friends saw Deanna on my blog and couldn’t stop thinking about her. After some family discussion, mom, dad, and all three of their young-adult children were in favor of proceeding with trying to adopt Deanna. Visitation should officially start within a couple of weeks, but since we are cleared to have Deanna visit with us, and since we are friends with this family, she has been able to get to know them already. According to the caseworkers, it looks like she may be able to move in before school starts in August!
Won’t it be exciting when this family can share as one of my positive adoption story guest posts!?! I love watching God at work!
Wife, mom, J-ma. Introvert who enjoys good books, sunshine, and authentic conversation. Often seen with a steaming mug of tea in hand – unless it’s lost yet again in the microwave. Read more »
Jamie, that is wonderful! What a wonderful answer to prayer for all of you that would be. I’ll be praying!
Congratulations to Deanna! I hope it all goes smoothly! Keep up posted.
How very wonderful for this young girl, Deanna! even more special that her and Lindsey have been able to keep a continuing friendship!
That is amazing! I love how God works. What a blessing for both of these young girls, these daughters of God, to be placed in Godly, loving homes at such an important time in their lives. You are an encouragement. Love ya!