6 things making me happy right now
Hey there!
Long(ish) time, no blog! But that’s because I’ve been busy building my offline fitness empire. {insert evil laugh here} And dealing with snow and ice, which is never suppose to happen here. And surviving Ken’s trip out of town when I had to take little kids everywhere with me, including work.
So for today, just a little post about a few of the things that have been making me smile lately.
1- simple bullet journal
I’ve tried bullet journaling before but always felt like I had to make it all amazing and complicated and that just did NOT work for me. Thanks to posts from Kara, I gave it another go and I’m enjoying it. It’s got my bird list, a monthly “Making Me Happy” list (where these came from), a fitness tracker, a bird list, all sorts of “ideas” lists, and monthly to-do’s and such
2- sighting new birds
I’m getting a kick out of adding to my 2018 Bird List in my little bullet journal. As of today, I’m up to 26 birds, including two brand-new-to-me species: the American Woodcock and the Yellow-Rumped Warbler. (This is the field guide I use most often. I love how simple it is.)
3- pizza Sundays with grand-babies
We’ve developed a little routine where we all go to our favorite pizza place on Sunday afternoons, and I get to be silly with Khloe and Kathryn and I fight over who gets to hold Greyson.
4- temperatures above freezing
I’m so very NOT cut out for winter. Several other things on my Happy List would fall under the category of longing for warm, including running in the sunshine, and heated seats in my car!
5- smiling faces of my SilverSneakers class
The little class I started last March, hoping for at least 3 people to show up, has grown so much I’m about to max out room capacity. We had 25 the other day, and I’m working on getting to know all the new faces.
6- an organized closet
While Ken and Kathryn were out of town at a photography convention, I went on a cleaning spree. My favorite result of this spree is our newly organized closet. I added shelves, pulled out items for donation, got a nifty tie rack for Ken’s collection of bow ties, and fabric bins for storing unruly things like socks and workout tights.
Bonus happy-making yummies: chocolate sea salt Rx bars and these wasabi almonds!
What’s making you happy lately? I’d love to know!

Wife, mom, J-ma. Introvert who enjoys good books, sunshine, and authentic conversation. Often seen with a steaming mug of tea in hand – unless it’s lost yet again in the microwave. Read more »