A change of plans
Today, Kris is hosting a themed weekly wrap-up so we can all share our upcoming school year plans. I had planned to post about our plans and curriculum choices, but I’m going to have to wait…
Choosing to homeschool means I (and my husband, of course) have accepted direct responsibility for our children’s education — and that means doing what we believe is best for each child. And of course, since each child is different, there is no set formula.A few weeks ago, while having a difficult day, I prayed about whether I had turned homeschooling Lindsey into an idol of sorts. I asked the Lord to show me if this was something I refused let go of because of control issues or perhaps even pride. I even prayed about whether or not {gasp!} we should send her to public school, as she thinks she wants. But I felt very strongly that He reiterated that public school is not the place for her. Ken went through the same sort of thought process himself (without either of us knowing the other was doing so) and came to the same conclusion. Clear enough, Lord.
In praying about what is best for Lindsey, I stumbled upon an opportunity for her to attend a nearby Christian homeschool academy. It is a two-day program, with the remaining days done at home. As I have observed Lindsey and gotten to know her better over the past year, I have realized that she needs structure to her days and to her learning. I could probably create that at home, but it would be difficult; this program will provide that. I personally know several teachers there; we also know and love some students there already, from doing plays (like Anne of Green Gables) with them in recent years. Lindsey recently joined the Color Guard which is part of the extra-curricular program at this academy, and most of the girls on the team attend classes there. Typically, the high school program is difficult to get into, and requires a waiting list. However, they do have a few remaining openings, for 9th grade only.
After praying more, and talking extensively with Ken and with friends who are familiar with this program, we have decided to pursue this option for Lindsey. I don’t see any reason she won’t be accepted, but we don’t have the official approval yet. I hope to hear something next week. And then, I will post our plans.
In the past few months, we’ve made more progress in getting Lindsey to open up to us, and we’ve realized that she still hasn’t let go of her old life. We’ve talked about how she needs to invest more time and effort into developing deeper friendships here and learning to truly trust us; it’s the only way she will ever really embrace her life here with us. I suppose that’s one of the complications in adopting a teen: they come complete with a life of their own before joining a new family. We’ve made it clear that she doesn’t need to cut all ties and pretend she never had a life before she came to us, but if she’s living in the past, she cannot be content in the present. I think being more active — in this case, attending classes and participating in extra-curricular activities — will help Lindsey embrace her life here.
This would mean a few of the books in my big ol’ stack won’t be used this year. It would mean I won’t have quite as much control over her schooling. Is this what my “perfect” homeschool looks like? No. But I can’t allow myself to compare my homeschool or my children to anyone else’s, and I must do what I believe is best for each of my children.
So, we’re making changes. I don’t anticipate doing something like this with Kathryn (for many reasons), but I take each year one at a time, and I continually seek God’s will for our homeschool, and His wisdom in our parenting. This year is looking different than I had anticipated, but God knows what He’s doing, and I’m just along for the ride.

Wife, mom, J-ma. Introvert who enjoys good books, sunshine, and authentic conversation. Often seen with a steaming mug of tea in hand – unless it’s lost yet again in the microwave. Read more »
Jamie, I usually read your posts, even when I don’t comment. This is something that didn’t come to a surprise to me. I even thought vaguely about telling you why you did not put her in a ‘school’, but I know that’s delicate because many are so bad that I did not want to sound like I was advising you, let alone telling you to throw your precious daughter to the lions LOL… I think it’s time we shed those rigid stigmas and expectations that a model fits every family, every child…this sounds wonderful, but whatever you are, you and… Read more »
One day at a time friend! I wish you the best.
I admire you are following after God and your hearts leading. You are right no homeschool is the same and it can even change year to year. We also pray about each year, trying to be sensitive and obey even when its not what we might not want to hear or do. Good blessings.
Praying for you Jamie as final decisions are made for the upcoming school year!
I appreciate your post and your thoughtfulness as you homeschool your children. I agree that there is no set formula. Every year for every child may be different!
Well, even though the year isn’t going to be exactly what you had planned, trust that He has a plan already in progress. Keep being obedient!
It’s important to find what’s best for each child. My kids each go to the public school for a couple of classes – my oldest for 2 classes a day, my youngest for 1 class a day (I think – I haven’t gotten the schedule yet). I’m sure adopting a teenager comes with a whole set of baggage that the rest of us can’t even imagine. Keep hanging on to Jesus and trust that He’s guiding you in the right direction!
Wow, lots of changes for you guys. That homeschool academy sounds really interesting. It’s always thrilling to see how our Creator guides us to just what we need. Praying that you hear from the school soon and that the transition is smooth.
That’s one of the advantages of homeschooling…flexibility. It sounds like the Lord has led you to a good fit for Lindsey. I think it’ll be a good year for you!
I am finally catching up on your blog again. I’ve missed it! It is so good to read that you too take one year at a time regarding homeschooling and God’s plan for your children’s lives. Our homeschooling is taking an unexpected turn this fall in that I won’t be doing any with our older four at all this year, but when our three daughters arrive home from the Philippines late this year (God willing), I will be doing some homeschooling with them. I have to do a post about it yet… It sounds like this school will be a… Read more »
I personally think our job as parents is to do what’s best for each of our individual children — and that’s exactly what you’re doing! Let God lead and you can’t go wrong.
Isn’t it wonderful when God answers our prayers in such obvious ways. When we have no doubt that we heard from Him, the source of Wisdom! We just received our answer for our boys schooling last Friday, in a doctor’s appointment no less! We had been praying for direction all summer since last year was so difficult. My husband said that He asked God to please make it very clear for us. So while sitting in a consultation with the doctor, he told us that the best thing for ______ would be to continue homeschooling! When does the professional world… Read more »
Jamie, thanks for stopping by & leaving a comment. I am coming back here to enjoy reading your blog, so pleased to have found you (guess we both have Nadene to thank now ).