reading life

Books read in 2015

I like books.

In 2015, I read 38 books ranging in length from 192 to 530 pages, which brought me to a total of more than 12,000 pages read. Not bad, considering everything I had going on this year! Then again, I use books as an escape from stressful times. And as a celebration in happy times. And as a friend in any kind of times.

And of course, always with a cup of tea within arm’s reach.

good reads in 2015

I’ve found goodreads to be easier to keep up with than a physical reading journal, because although I do enjoy lists, I tend to jot things down in various notebooks and have a hard time keeping up with one continuous list for an entire year.

Another bonus of goodreads: I have the app on my phone so I can access my “to-read” list any time I happen to be at the library. Again, this was something I tried to do previously but I’d inevitably leave my list at home or lose it somewhere in the bottom of my purse. Real life, y’all.

Yet another bookworm perk from goodreads: easy to find recommendations based on books on my lists, plus a whole lot of reviews so I can figure out if I’m likely to enjoy it before I pick it up.

If you’d like to follow my reviews and recommendations, find me on goodreads. Fair warning: I seldom rate a book less than 4 stars because life’s too short to read books I don’t like.

What should I add to my to-read list for 2016? I always appreciate recommendations for more good books!

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Chandra Regan

Thanks for telling me about this website/app. I wasn’t familiar with it, I just checked it out and love it!

Nancy M

Good for you! That’s a great accomplishment!


I love Elizabeth Camden. Her books are Christian based historic romance. Really good!

Lindsay @ BytesOfMemory

This motivated me to give goodreads another shot. I use to use it all of the time.. but then I felt like it was just another thing to do.. but I too always loose my list or forget the names of authors I like when I am at the library. I also really like that it totals the pages up for you!!

Good luck with your reading this year.. I am trying to make it even more of a habit for me!