
blogging tips and more

spill the “tea”…

That’s what the cool kids say nowadays, isn’t it? I looked up the origin of the phrase — because I’m not actually all that cool AND because I have teenagers

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2017 survey results

First of all, I want to say a big ol’ THANK YOU to everyone who reads my blog, and an even bigger THANK YOU to everyone who filled out my

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2017 Reader Survey

It’s been over two years since I did a reader survey so it’s time to do it again! The whole survey should take less than 5 minutes. Your answers will

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State of the Blog 2016

Every year, I like analyzing what sort of content I wrote and what I want to write in the coming year. I really like knowing what my readers liked, and

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Top posts of 2015

It’s almost the new year, and we’re making an effort to thoroughly enjoy what’s left of this one. The unseasonably warm weather lately has been nice, and I was downright

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Social Media facade

Humor me here as I make up a completely fictional story about a completely fictional person to demonstrate a point: Linda has an etsy shop and makes beautiful purses. She

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