family life

Counting more of my thousand gifts

“Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have roses.” -Alphonse Karr

Continuing to list one-thousand gifts as part of the Gratitude Community:

126) a new [old] car: 1995 Mazda Protege
127) we made it two years as a one-car family
128) I had time this week to clean it, inside and out
129) Ken’s ability to do a tune-up and such so we don’t have to pay for those things
130) financial wisdom to never again have a car payment
131) I’ve learned! (I can’t bring myself to tell you the outrageous car payment I had years ago. Makes my head spin thinking about it now!)
132) auto insurance on the new [old] car is cheap!
133) some much-needed time alone this week
134) Lacy had learned to let me brush her (she hated it when she was younger)
135) an effective dog brush for only $3
136) what God has been teaching me through my MotherWise bible study book
137) I’ve shared tea and ministry with the author of MotherWise, Denise Glenn
138) we have new gutters on our house
139) no more leak in the back porch roof
140) many things checked off of my To-do list
141) my refurbished Dyson vacuum cleaner (I’ve had it almost 5 years now; it’s still fabulous & was way cheaper than new!)
142) a long weekend off work for Ken (thanks to Independence Day)
143) seeing friends dedicate their son at church last Sunday; he is their 4th child, but their 1st adoption
144) hope!
145) more bloggers planning to come to our Blogographers’ Meet-Up
146) Brandon’s smelly pet mice have moved out
147) the upstairs no longer smells like smelly mice
148) one step forward (no matter how small) in better communication with Lindsey
149) rainy days
150) my wonderful, quirky extended family

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Count me in for blogging get together…sounds wonderful!


I’ll join you for the Blogographer meet-up, too! I’m glad for all the ways the car will make things easier for you and for your smellyness-free upstairs, (though mice are adorable!)and for all of these other things on your list!

Where can you get a Dyson refurbished?

Jaime @ Like a Bubbling Brook

Like you, I am so thankful for paid-for vehicles, and plan to never have a payment on one again. Lesson learned, and I am so grateful! It’s a wonderful burden to be free from, isn’t it?!


Love your quote!!