2011 Curriculum List
Our 2011 homeschool year – REVISED as of January 2011!
We did things a little differently last semester; the biggest difference now is that Lindsey is home full-time, and that has reshaped much of what we do. I’ve also gone back to spending more time with Kathryn on the things we’ve loved about homeschooling in years past.
We’re not trying to replicate the time, style or content of the classroom. Rather we’re trying to cultivate a lifestyle of learning in which learning takes place from morning until bedtime 7 days each week. The “formal” portion of each teaching day is just the tip of the iceberg.
– Steve & Jane Lambert (“Five In A Row”)These are the main “tools” we’re using;
I’ll post more about specifically how and what we’re doing as we go along.Kathryn’s 4th Grade Year:
- BIBLE: readings and devotions, and scripture memorization
Early American History – Winter Promise American Crossing
Current Events – God’s World News “News Current” magazine
Geography – state maps/notebook pages from Homeschool in the Woods, plus Kids Learn America and other resources.
Winter Promise historical novels and biographies, plus daily copywork.- LANGUAGE ARTS:
Simply Grammar by Karen Andreola;
Wordly Wise 3000 Grade 4 (vocabulary);
Story Starters (writing/composition)- FINE ARTS:
Practice drawing skills (mostly in Nature Journal and Bible notebook);
Occasional art/painting projects from various sources;
Composer Studies from Homeschool in the Woods;- SCIENCE:
Christian Kids Explore Biology (1st semester)
Exploring Creation With Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures (2nd semester).
Keep a Nature Notebook, and complete a nature study most weeks.
House & garden work, crafts, sewing, cooking, first aid, manners and etiquette, and more.- MATH: Horizons 4
Lindsey’s 9th Grade Year (2nd Semester)
- BIBLE: Readings, devotions, and scripture memorization.
Early American History (literature-based WinterPromise curriculum)
Current Events – keep up with daily news, then write weekly summary
Geography – State maps/notebooking pages from Homeschool in the Woods- LITERATURE:
Winter Promise historical novels and biographies, plus other selections.- LANGUAGE ARTS:
Wordly Wise 3000 Grade 9 (vocabulary)
Wordsmith (writing/composition)
Easy Grammar: 180 Daily Lessons- SCIENCE:
Exploring Creation With Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures (2nd semester).
Keep a Nature Notebook, and complete a nature study most weeks.- LIFE SKILLS:
House & garden work, crafts, sewing, cooking, first aid, manners and etiquette, money management, and driving instruction/practice- MATH: Switched-On Schoolhouse Algebra 1
Wife, mom, J-ma. Introvert who enjoys good books, sunshine, and authentic conversation. Often seen with a steaming mug of tea in hand – unless it’s lost yet again in the microwave. Read more »
Looks like a great list to me! How do you like Winter’s Promise? I am looking for my soon to be 8th grader and I am liking the literature based curriculum’s. I have looked at Sonlight (don’t like), Tapestry of Grace, My Father’s World. I had forgotten about Winter’s Promise until you mentioned it. There are just so many curriculum’s to look at! 🙂
I agree! I have looked at all those as well, Joy, and it’s really overwhelming!
When you say, “Keep up with daily news” what source or sources do you use. I have struggled with this with my kids and easily become overwhelmed by what to focus on….local, national, worldwide and how much to do. Thank you! This is helpful to me!
I’ve been curious since you mentioned “changes” a few weeks ago. We made some changes for this year, and I’ve found they are not to my liking! I’m now planning how to get back to what worked better for us. I’d be interested to know what historical fiction and biographies your girls are reading.
I like all of your picks! It is interesting for me to see what you are doing for a high schooler since that is all still ahead of me. I know it will sneak up all too fast!
Looks great, Jamie! I’ve read wonderful things about Winter Promise :o)
Have a wonderful semester with your family!
I looked through your descriptions of your homeschool subjects and saw lots of similiarities to our family. We do Charlotte Mason methods with several subjects, Homeschool in the Woods, Apologia Science, Horizon’s Math and a couple other similar curriculumns. This year, one of my daughters who is in 9th grade has REALLY been enjoying a curriculumn that you might want to check out. It covers three subjects in one (and also satisfies credits for graduation). It contains History/Bible/World History for a whole year. There are daily assignments, papers to write, great books that are required to read daily alongside the… Read more »
This sounds great – I only have my oldest and most of the curriculum we use I do on the fly. She’s a 2nd grader. Thanks for the info!
You know, I had never heard of Winter Promise, until last week. A dear friend of mine said she might be using it next school year for her rising 7th grader. She began to describe it to me, emphasizing the CM style. I spent hours (no joke!) reading through the website, and really liked what I saw! I haven’t seen another blogger reference it, until I happened upon this post! (ps-thanks for commenting on my blog, which got me back here!) My oldest girl is a 4th grader right now, a prolific reader! Devotions, however, have left me stuffed —… Read more »
My 4th grader is a prolific reader, too!
She uses a daily devotional Bible on her own. (This one.)
WinterPromise has a Christian Kids Character Traits devotional that she really likes, too. It’s available for purchase on it’s own, but came with the curriculum we’re doing. (It’s here.)
Hope that helps!