family life

The dog ate my blog

Thankfully, the dog hasn’t literally eaten my blog because I suppose that means she would’ve eaten my macbook. And while rugs, a wall, a couple of towels, a pack of kitchen sponges, and a windowsill have fallen victim to the BatDog, all electronics have thus far escaped.

She has, however, temporarily taken over my life, and that includes blogland.

dog ate my blog

{But she sure is cute!}

Instead of organizing my thoughts to write a blog post, I’m spending a lot of time taking Piper out frequently because she still doesn’t really know how to tell us she needs to go. Every time we go outside, the dogs insist on playing.

They play and play…

dogs play tug of war

and play.

dogs playing

I’m glad we got a dog sturdy enough to play with Daisy, and that Daisy is still fit enough (as a “senior” dog at 7 years old) to recover from playing so hard with this energetic, feisty pup! They’ve both crashed, flipped, and somersaulted; one day Daisy plowed at high speed into that tree in the photo above because she was watching Piper trying to catch up. That one took her a few minutes to shake off.

Daisy has a bouncy lope she’ll do when she wants Piper to catch up, but when she kicks it into greyhound gear, Piper is left in the dust. It’s funny.

greyhound running

Even inside, they play. You can tell in the photo below that Piper is a silly nut. I have to separate them at least part of the day so they don’t play all the time. And when they’re not playing, Piper is happiest right next to me; I should’ve named her “Shadow” for how much she follows me around.

silly dogs playing

Life lessons from my dogs

Having a puppy has made me remember again that there are seasons in life, but no season lasts forever. This season of puppy training has me distracted but it won’t last long. She has already brought levity into my life at a time I need it. Not everyone is willing to put up with all that dogs require; I admit they’re not at all convenient — but to me, they’re worth the trouble.

My dogs remind me:

  • Age is irrelevant.
  • It’s almost always a good time to play.
  • Sleep is good and naps are, too.
  • Forgiveness is easier than we [humans] make it.
  • The past is the past, and does not determine the present.
  • Life is better next to someone you love.

So, humor me if the dogs come up often in posts because my life lately consists of when to take them out (often!), if the little one is eating something she shouldn’t (probably!), and petting that cute black head with the big ears and the pretty brown brindle one, too.

I even took Tricia’s “You Are an Artist” challenge to paint my pets!

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We’ve never been a dog family – neither my husband nor I had them as kids either. But earlier this year we agreed to take in a 7 year old Boxer (who as an added complication suffers from epilepsy) for one of his colleagues while their house is rebuilt following earthquake damage. We’re now dog converts! He’ll probably need to stay until the middle of next year and I know there will be tears when it is time for him to return to his family.

Erin - The Usual Mayhem

We’re living with the same kind of canine goofiness. We recently got a new-to-us 2 year old to keep our almost-2 company. They wrestle, growl, gargle, and bowl over everything in their path. It’s absolutely wonderful to have that kind of joy in our lives again.


My lab “Gabe” just turned one, and my brother and sister jack russell duo, “Thorin Oakenshild & Clover” are just a few days of also turning one! Porch tables, golf cart seat, every trash can in South Georgia, bike seats, halloween pumpkins, a chicken, a duck, and a precious pet rabbit have all fallen victim to these carefully calculated, premeditated, TERRORISTS!!! It has been hard and sometimes very difficult to tolerate (as in the death of the rabbit and 9 year old duck) but we do love them and are patiently waiting for them to get out of the chew-terror… Read more »


I would so love to have a dog, and yours seem especially sweet! My cat, who moved in a few months ago, has taught me many of the same lessons, especially about the excellence of naps and that life is better next to someone you love. Animals just brighten up your life.

Kris @ Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers

Looks like a pretty cute reason not to be online to me. 🙂 It also looks like Daisy is very much enjoying having a canine sibling.


I admire your patience — can I bring you my slightly offbeat dog?? 😉

As always, I love your pictures!