Practicing Gratitude: Gifts 226 – 250
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”
– John F. Kennedy
This is getting harder, but I’m still trying to list one-thousand gifts!
#226) unexpected surprises
#227) catching up with long lost friends
#228) we helped find a home for one of my aunt’s rescue dogs
#229) Lindsey’s first ColorGuard performance went well
#230) Lindsey survived ColorGuard camp & no one melted
#231) fun times with cousins who are also friends
#232) teamwork
#233) sitting down after being on my feet for hours & hours!
#234) Deanna & Lindsey are geographically close enough to visit often again
#235) a day of NOTHING planned (tomorrow)
#236) we’re inching towards autumn
#237) new business prospects
#238) another great adoption story to post this week
#239) an earlier bedtime tonight
#240) a dog who lays at my feet when it thunders
#241) the times God provides things we didn’t even know we needed
#242) my problem-solving husband (or as he likes to call it, his Wylie Coyote thinking)
#243) weekends, even the busy ones
#244) a church I enjoy so much I’m sad when I have to miss it
#245) a cozier furniture arrangement in the living room
#246) mechanical pencils
#247) a much-needed hair cut yesterday
#248) that one more cup of hot tea I’m about to have this evening
#249) the promise of my head hitting the pillow in a short while
#250) free shipping for online orders (random, I know; I’m tired!)

Wife, mom, J-ma. Introvert who enjoys good books, sunshine, and authentic conversation. Often seen with a steaming mug of tea in hand – unless it’s lost yet again in the microwave. Read more »
#241) the times God provides things we didn’t even know we needed. Love it! We’ve had several of those lately too. Sounds like you’ve had a full week right on through the weekend. I find that looking through my photos from the last week prompts my counting. And I keep a scratch sheet of paper by the coffee pot so I can write down the children giggles 🙂