family life

Holding Her Hand {Saying Goodbye to Gran}

My grandmother has lived with my aunt Beckie, right around the corner from us, for the past couple of years. Last year I hosted Thanksgiving so that my grandmother could come to dinner because she’d become mostly home-bound (and we live so nearby). I planned to do the same this year, but the weekend before Thanksgiving, my grandmother had a stroke; this was more severe than her previous small stroke some years ago. That Monday, the home healthcare folks told us what we thought they’d say: my grandmother would not recover, and it would likely only be a matter of days before she died.

So our holiday plans changed.

We were not able to physically do everything needed, so Gran was put on round-the-clock hospice care — still at home in my aunt’s house. All week long, Gran’s children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren were in and out of Beckie’s house to visit. We’d done this before when my grandfather was in his last days, and we were all so glad he was able to pass on peacefully, surrounded by family and not in a hospital.

Gran was mostly only semi-conscious. She was in pain, and cried when she had to be moved to change her, etc., so she was given morphine, plus oxygen to make breathing easier.

Granmama had things she needed to say.

In the wee hours of the morning on Wednesday, Gran “woke up” and had a lot to say. Beckie called a few relatives, so my mom and my uncle and a few of my cousins were there. Granmama talked for several hours, non-stop. The slurred words that began the previous weekend were gone. She had them all laughing and crying, depending on the moment.

She told them my Grandaddy (who passed on about four years ago) was there in his good suit, telling her to hurry up and get ready because he wanted to take her on a trip.

She said, “Forgive everybody. Just forgive everybody.”

She prayed aloud; she said things that needed to be said; and finally, finally seemed at peace about leaving us all.

After that, Gran went back to semi-consciousness, rarely saying anything.

Life keeps going.

During the week, I spent a lot of time at my aunt Beckie’s house, but we didn’t shut down our lives. Lindsey had never experienced a death in the family or anything like this and didn’t know what to do. I told her to keep on going to work and doing things as usual until there was reason not to. My mom still had to check in at her office. Ken still went to work. Kathryn still went to her dad’s.

Lindsey and I helped serve Thanksgiving dinner last Wednesday at the soup kitchen where I sometimes volunteer. It was a wonderful reminder to keep our priorities straight and remember what’s really important.

Lindsey serving Thankgiving dinner at soup kitchen

Later that evening, I sat with my grandmother, to give Beckie a few hours to just relax. The nurse was there, but Gran seemed more at peace with a loved one sitting and holding her hand. So I watched the old 1940’s movie on TV, one Gran would’ve loved for the dancing and the beautiful outfits. She was always a very stylish lady with as much composure and grace as any star from the golden era of Hollywood.

{At left, she’s about 17; at right, celebrating her 45th wedding anniversary.}


Meanwhile, Gran slept through the old movie, and I just held her hand.

holding Granmama's hand

Going home on Thanksgiving.

We opted to accept my sister’s offer to have Thanksgiving dinner at her house so I didn’t have to do as much cleaning and cooking. (Since we have different moms, Granmama was not her grandmother.) It was wonderful to have my dad there — especially after our scare with almost losing him a few weeks ago — and visiting with my nieces and grand-nieces, too.

After Thanksgiving lunch at my sisters, we came home so I could make a few side dishes to take to my aunt’s house. My mom bought a pre-cooked turkey, and my aunt made another side dish. Again I sat with Gran so the rest of them could eat; we even shooed the nurse out to the kitchen so she could have Thanksgiving dinner, too.

I decided to stay a while longer. At just after 7:00, I stepped out of the room for something, but my mom and the nurse were still with Gran. Mom realized Gran stopped breathing so she called Beckie in — just in time for Gran to take her last breath.

Thanksgiving day seems like such a sad time to lose a loved one, but we were thankful.

  • Thankful that she passed peacefully.
  • Thankful two of her daughters were by her side at that moment.
  • Thankful she died at home.
  • Thankful we all had time to say goodbye in the previous days.
  • Thankful she had 85 years on this earth.
  • Thankful she loved her Savior and is with him now.
  • Thankful her husband of 60+ years was there to greet her.
  • Thankful for the heritage of faith she and my Grandaddy created.
  • Thankful for the large and loving family that continues on.
  • Thankful for the time I had spent one-on-one, just holding her hand.
  • Thankful for such a beautiful, wonderful grandmother.
  • Thankful for all the memories of her loving on us all.

big family group 2007

I bought a sparkly silver sweater with blingy buttons to wear to the funeral because Granmama always loved all things sparkly and festive. My cousin Windee ordered the flower arrangement to top the casket, and it was overflowing with pink roses and sparkling silver ribbon: exactly what Gran would’ve chosen for herself. My cousin Jonnia (with a voice like an angel) sang “In the Garden,” and I think Gran and Grandaddy — who were very good dancers — shared the first waltz they’ve been able to do in many, many years.

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Aww, what sweet memories of your grandmother. I’m sorry for your loss. I know you will miss her dearly. Thanksgiving will never be the same for you, I’m sure.

Heather N.

I have to say, Jamie, it was hard to get through this post because it brought back so many memories of the passing of my husband’s grandmother in April 2011. She had lived with us ever since my husband and I got married. Since my mother-in-law was in and out of the hospital with my father-in-law at the time I became her primary caregiver. It was a difficult time, but I got to spend so much quality time with her – listening to her stories, laughing and comforting her. I’m so glad you got that time too. God is so… Read more »

Kris @ Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers

That’s beautiful, Jamie. My condolences to your family as you grieve the loss of such a special lady and my congratulations as you celebrate the beginning of her eternal life.


Jamie, I am so sorry for your loss. It’s a time to mourn our loss and as Kris said, celebrate for her eternal life in Heaven!


Oh Jamie. I sobbed through this whole thing. What precious memories you have. I’m praying for you, Friend.

Big, big hugs.


Sad, yet beautiful post.
What a gift to have those last hours with her saying so much to her family.
My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
Glad to know she is now reunited with her husband and our Lord.


Thank you for sharing this. Thank you so much. Every time a person of faith passes, I like to hear the details because it strengthens my faith in everything that we believe. The passing of a brother or sister in Christ is so bittersweet but ultimately a time of rejoicing. May God’s love and peace be with you always. Sounds like it was a beautiful life.

Trudy McCleskey

So beautiful. Thanks for sharing.


You’ve got me in tears! I’m so glad that you were able to spend the time with your Granmama and got to hold her hand. What a wonderful list of thanksgiving you have also.

Dawn @ The Momma Knows

*Tears* Yes he was there, in his good suit. You make me cry lady. I’ve seen this so many times but only once in a home situation. I work in a nursing home, and it is amazing how a dying person will rally right at the end, wake up, talk like they haven’t talked in a long time, and then just fade. I’ve seen people who’ve gone very deaf and needed hearing aids who, in their last hours (without hearing aids in) been able to hear perfectly fine and converse, just hours prior to death. It is amazing and it’s… Read more »

Alicia G

So sorry for your loss, but glad you had some beautiful times with her before she went. What a beautifully written account of her last few weeks. Brought tears to my eyes. Blessings to you and your family

Ellen, the Bluestocking Belle

Blessings on you as you all grieve the loss of such a lovely woman. I love that your grandfather was waiting for her. When my aunt died over a year ago, she, too, was surrounded by loved ones at home. She could hear singing that no one else could hear. When asked what the people were singing, my aunt answered, “Oh, all the old hymns!” She died not long after. “And He walks with me, and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own. And the joy we share as we tarry there none other has… Read more »

Susan Lea

I’m so very sorry for your loss. Losing a grandmother feels like the end of an era. Thank you for sharing this beautiful testimony to God’s goodness even in sorrow. I truly love your precious photo of you holding your Gran’s hand. What a comfort it was to her, I know, and what precious memories that photo will recall in years to come. Blessings.

Chandra Regan

What a sweet post about her passing. I just heard another very similar story of a friend’s who said good-bye to her mother-in-law. Her mom also had a time when she suddenly sat up and talked and said, “I can hear them singing.” They asked her, “What are they singing?” She answered, “This Little Light of Mine”. Such stories give hope of our resurrection. What a blessing!


My uncle passed away on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. We are still wrapping our heads around the idea of him not being here. I just love how she said your grandfather was there, waiting for her. that was something I NEEDED to hear. I get upset about my uncle no longer being here–he always slept over Christmas Eve–and then I think of him with the family members who have gone before, and his fiance who passed from the same disease he had 50 years earlier….I was hoping that was how it was and your grandma saying that just spoke right… Read more »

Terry Estes

How bittersweet it is when a loved one goes to heaven. As I read your blog, I thought about how it will be when my grandmother passes from this life to the next. I hope it’s as peaceful as your grandmama. She will be 91 in February and still is able to live alone and take care of herself. I know her heart longs for heaven. She has been the most godly influence on my life. How wonderful it is to have the hope we have. This life is not the end. Most days I can’t wait until I get… Read more »