Homeschool: learning how to learn
There are only a few goals I have for my kids’ education, long-term. The list is simple (but not easy):
1- I want them to know and love the Lord.
2- I want them to grow into responsible adults who look for ways to serve others.
3- I want them to know how to learn and to enjoy the process because learning never ends. {Or at least, it shouldn’t!}
Last week, Kathryn completed her first crochet project and photographed it (quite beautifully, I might add!) to share on instagram. It’s totally adorable.
But adorableness is not the best part of this crafty project.
What’s so awesome about this cute little yarn bird is that it’s proof that interest-led learning works.
Kathryn learned how to knit a few years ago, but decided she’d like to learn to crochet, too. So I bought her a crochet hook, more yarn, and a book.
Kathryn picked up the book and started playing around with yarn and a crochet hook until she’d learned the basic stitches. Then I found a Craftsy class on how to make amigurumi (a Japanese style of crochet) animals. I purchased the class so we could watch it together but Kathryn was eager to get going and asked if she could go ahead and watch. She had moments of frustration but worked through it; soon, crochet wings and a beak appeared, followed soon after by the rest of the bird.
I’m so impressed. Not because she crocheted a bird. {Although that’s awesome in itself.} But because, at 13 years old, she’s already learned how to learn.
As I start planning for our next homeschool year, and as I begin thinking about what Kathryn’s high school years will look like, I know my primary focus will be making sure she doesn’t lose this fire. She loves to learn. Drilling facts into her brain isn’t necessary because now that she knows how to learn, she can learn whatever she needs to learn, whenever she needs to learn it. For her whole life long.
Soon, she’ll be teaching me to crochet. It’s quite possible we’ll end up with a whole flock of crochet birds. 😉
Interest led learning rocks, y’all.

Wife, mom, J-ma. Introvert who enjoys good books, sunshine, and authentic conversation. Often seen with a steaming mug of tea in hand – unless it’s lost yet again in the microwave. Read more »
I’m impressed too – awesome! My daughter is six, I hope when she is thirteen I would have instilled a similar pro-active approach to learning. It’s definitely one of my goals with homeschooling, along with my kids choosing to pick up their bibles daily and reading simply because they love God’s word and have a genuine desire to know him more. Lovely post and love that bird :-).
That’s so impressive! I love that she also showed amazing tenacity and a willingness to push through when it got hard. Such a great lesson for life!