
Homeschooling Plans 2016/17

To paraphrase Anne Shirley, I love the start of a homeschool year because it’s brand new, with no mistakes in it yet. No matter how the previous year went, we can let go and move on. Of course we can have a fresh start anytime throughout the year if we choose not to dwell on bad days or a plan that goes off the rails, but I tend to think of a new homeschool year like a crisp new notebook ready to fill in with good things.

homeschool plans

I have three kids still at home: age 7, 9, and 16. This is my 11th year of homeschooling. Gosh that makes me feel old. But I also already have two grandkids and another due later this year, so I guess that ought to make me feel older than the homeschooling!

the 2nd grader

My boy, the youngest, is a fan of anything he can build or take apart, and anything with wheels or an engine. He hopes Daddy will get a boat, and he wants to be a sea turtle nest parent with me next year. For him, I’m focusing on math, good read-alouds, plenty of outside time and unstructured play, and introducing him to nature study and art. Essentially, the Charlotte Mason basics.

We’re using Saxon Math 2. Although he is not a reader yet, he is math-inclined, so as long as I read him the math problems as I work with him, he is doing great with it. This is the only structured curriculum I’m using with him.

Each day I’m giving him a bit of copywork, which we’ll build up gradually. He’s also working through cut-and-paste type Rod & Staff workbooks, and he loves those.

For our reading list, I’m pulling from several sources, including Year 0 and Year 1 of Ambleside Online and other sources. I’m easing him into oral narration. {I’ll be sharing specific read-alouds periodically in posts like this one.}

Science this year will mostly focus on nature study, and I’ll return to doing the Outdoor Hour Challenges we enjoyed so much when Kathryn was little. We’ll do some nature journaling, too, which is a great way to incorporate writing and art.

legos and toys

“Creating” is written into our schedule this year, rather than trying to squeeze it in every now and then. I’m not planning much structure here, but a chance to play around with paints and drawing and chalk pastels, as well as some occasional engineering projects — and he’s always building something with Legos.

the 3rd grader

The next-to-youngest is our most active, extroverted, let’s-do-all-the-things child. She can be a delight with an outgoing nature and quick smile, but she craves a whole lot more action than the rest of us.

So this year she’s attending a great little private school. She is in a class of only 12 kids; they have minimal homework, do literature-based history, and even use some of the curricula I’ve used, including Saxon Math. The work is challenging, and she has all sorts of opportunities to interact and get her extrovert-refueling fix. So far, she’s loving it.

the 10th grader

My high-schooler loves the ocean, is highly interested in marine biology, as well as astronomy, and enjoys good literature — but she also likes Pokemon Go and other games I make fun of. 😉

She’s creatively crafty, and I’d like to do more to encourage that. She and I will both be prioritizing our creative time because it helps us refuel for other things. We’ll start the year out dabbling in a variety of creative endeavors as we figure out which ones we enjoy most. A few possibilities we’ve discussed: jewelry making, watercolor painting, hand lettering, zentangles, and crochet.

sunset skateboarding

For the core of her work she’ll be using:

We’ll continue exploring our new world here on the coast, and she’ll participate in most of our field trips and nature adventures.

We’re looking forward to a good year, and wish you a good one as well!

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*See what other homeschoolers are doing this year, or add your own link to iHomeschool’s 8th Annual Curriculum blog hop.

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