family life

My Daughters Aren’t So Little Anymore {Review/Giveaway}

Lindsey was nearly 15 years old when I became her mom. She was already wearing makeup, coloring her hair, shaving her legs, and dealing with periods. I wasn’t there for any of that. I couldn’t teach her about those things and help guide her through those milestones. There have been many areas where we’ve had to try to correct misconceptions she had because all of her information came from other girls who didn’t really know any better than she did.

It makes me sad to have missed all that.

That makes it all the more important to me to be sure I’m the one who is there for all those milestones with Kathryn. She’s only 11, but my baby isn’t such a baby any more. {sigh}
Kathryn - dressed up for the Father Daughter Dance 2012
Kathryn has exacting standards for whatever hair style she has in mind for the day. She was delighted when I bought her a pair of dressy sandals that have a teeny tiny heel. She doesn’t yet ask to wear makeup but was clearly happy when I allowed her to wear a bit of pink lipstick to a father-daughter dance. All these things tell me she’s starting to pay more attention to her appearance. As with all sorts of other growing-up stuff, I want to make sure she’s getting information from me, rather than her peers.

In our house, we don’t usually have big sit-down-so-I-can-talk-to-you conversations about these womanly sorts of things. I prefer to talk about them in the course of day to day life, “… as [we] sit at home and when [we] walk along the road…” (Deuteronomy 6:7) so that my kids are never afraid to ask me something that could feel awkward. I’ve shared my own experiences and I’ve answered questions in a no-big-deal way whenever they come up. Kathryn knows all about where babies come from and what to expect as she enters puberty. I told her about when my mom decided to use her sister’s razor to shave her legs and proceeded to shave a big strip off of her shin — and why that’s NOT the way to begin shaving!

Kathryn and I have also talked about the fact that she doesn’t need to be in a big hurry to start doing any of these grown-up things. The right time will come for all these things, but later. And until then, we’ll just talk about it whenever new thoughts or questions come up.

Venus sent me their Embrace razor and Satin Care Passionista Fruit shave cream to try. Lindsey is already trying to talk me out of the shave cream because she loves the yummy fruit scent. Venus is the brand of razor I’ve been using for years, and although I don’t personally notice much difference in the 5-blade Embrace razor from the other Venus razors I’ve used, I do like it. †Both of these new products are intended to help reduce nicks and cuts for a more enjoyable experience for girls who are new to shaving — so maybe in a few years, that’ll be what we start Kathryn out with.

If you have a first-time shaver in your home, check out some of these great tips from Venus Embrace.

So — how do you tackle conversations like shaving with your daughter? Leave a comment about it, and you could win a $50 Visa Gift Card!

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This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
This sweepstakes runs from 5/21 – 6/30.

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Be sure to visit the Venus Brand feature page on where you can read other bloggers’ reviews and find more chances to win!

*This is a sponsored post, but all opinions expressed are my own.


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Ugh! We have barely been able to get through the period conversation… or the bra conversation… or the showering daily conversation… without my 12-year-old daughter being upset! (She has Asperger’s and change, for her, is NOT a good thing!) She knows I shave my legs, but she is not even the slightest bit interested yet! We’ll keep working on it… slow and steady!


Fun giveaway! Your daughter is beautiful.
We haven’t had to have the “shaving” talk yet with any of our three girls, but I like what you said about it being natural and as we go about our day so that they are never afraid to ask questions.


Tweeted! Thanks, Jamie!/carlivia

Nancy Mosley

We haven’t had the shaving talk yet, but I’ve discussed with my daughter about periods and have her “ready” and like you – we just had the talk one day in the car when it was just the two of us and her 3 brothers of course were not along for the ride. It went well. I was afraid she’d be horrified at the thought of it, but she really seemed to handle it well. Since we homeschool, my daughter has not been in a big hurry for makeup and I’m thankful for that. She is twelve and I feel… Read more »


Nice post. We haven’t had to have the “shaving” talk yet with any of our three girls, but I like what you said about it being natural and as we go about our day so that they are never afraid to ask questions. Thanks for sharing.

Wendi S

My daughter is only 8…haven’t had to tackle that conversation yet 🙂 but I know it will come up before I know it!


My daughter just turned 9 and I got her the American Girl book called The Care of Keeping You. I paper clipped the pages on eating disorders and starting your period b/c she doesn’t need that yet. Each night we have been reading a little section and talking about it. We just talk about things as they come up. 🙂

Amy W

My oldest is 15 and we’ve always just had an open conversation style about these things. My 12 year old daughter is more of day-dreamer and needs to hear things more than once for it to sink in. My 15 yr old has wonderfully come along side me to help mentor her sister in a real loving way. It is a joy to watch her help reinforce what I’m teaching. For shaving we started out with an electric shaver then moved to using a razor. I have friends that use Nair but our skin is sensitive and breaks out easily.… Read more »


I think the best policy is open communication, and flexibility with your children. This will help parents to overcome any concern about the needs and changes of our growing daughters.


My daughter is too young still (she’s 2) but I remember my mom reading “Where do I come from?” with me to teach me about the facts of life.




I don’t have a daughter, but I remember my Mom helped me a lot when I just started shaving. She got me my first Venus razor and showed how to use it

Brett George

Yes, I think Venus Embrace razor is perfect for those girls who are having a first time shave. I want to gift this razor to my teenage cousins.

Taylor Smith

The shaving talk came when I was 11. My mom took me over to Ma’s house and the topic just popped up. I didn’t know I was supposed to get hair under my arms, I thought girls only grew hair on their legs until that point. Luckily, I was exciting about shaving. It made me feel a bit more like a grown-up! The period subject came up later when I unexpectedly started – Thank goodness it was a Saturday so I wasn’t at school! I knew about the things puberty would bring because of school, but it’s still different when… Read more »


my daughter is only 4 mos old but when gets older im going to teach her to be honest and to be happy !

Jenn @ Coolest Family on the Block

My daughter isn’t even 3yo yet, so we aren’t anywhere near shaving talks. But when she’s old enough I plan on taking her out one day for some one-on-one pampering and then have a talk about all of that grown up girl stuff and maybe give her a book about it. BUT I’m keeping an open mind about it so that I can adapt to her personality. For me the little talks actually embarrassed me and irritated me (like I’m rolling my eyes while you’re talking to me, mom, because I’m busy doing something else right now and I don’t… Read more »


My girls aren’t old enough to talk about any of it….but I’m hoping to have a more open and constant dialogue with them. With my own mother I felt like we had our big sit down about one’s period and then I could never speak to her about it again.

anna pry

just be straight-forward, honest, and keep a sense of humor when talking with your kids

Kelly D

My daughter is only 4, but I keep my explanations simple and always remind her how pretty and smart she is!

Kelly D
Judith B.

It helps to have an open and trusting relationship from early on and to greet firsts as an exciting opportunity

Judith B.

Oddly (maybe sadly) enough, it’s usually my hubby that ‘chats’ with my older girls. I did have the period talk with them….but I just can’t seem to move on into the ‘where babies come from talk’. He hasn’t actually talked to them about it, yet, but has no issues whatsoever with it. I feel uneasy about it and don’t want them to think that it’s something to feel ashamed to talk to us about, so it works better that Daddy can talk about it like it’s no big deal. Maybe once I KNOW that they know the ‘nuts and bolts’,… Read more »


Thanks for the giveaway. Love the Venus products.


Well, my daughter is three, so I’m not sure how we’re going to tackle these things. Hopefully with more frankness and openness than my mom did with me, at least! 😉


I tweeted!

(Every time I say I tweeted, I think it sounds kinda like I, uh, tooted or something. LOL)

Kelly Massman

I don’t have any teenage girls–just a boy, but I think it is good to be interested in their lives and be willing to make time for them… Thanks for a chance to win and have a great day!


i believe in being honest and truthful in all dealings with my kids! Thanks for a super giveaway!


Thanks for the chance to win!
email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Amy Tong

It is certainly not easy to be a parent, especially tackling those tough “first” conversations with my kids. But the best way I prefer is openness and be honest and straight forward. That’s the way I preferred to be treated, so, I’ll do the same with my kids.

Amy [at] utry [dot] it

Amy Tong

I say honesty is just how to approach everything.

Tiffany Winner

I think if you have a good relationship with your kids as they’re growing up, all important conversations will come much more naturally.

Rebecca Graham

Be honest and be a good listener too.

Rebecca K.

We’ve always been open with our girls about these issues. I waited until my 12 year old approached me about shaving. I taught her and then she has given advice to her 10 year old sister, who is nervous about shaving. They are in a time of transition. More and more they are understanding their own need for good hygiene.
I don’t push them to start shaving because once you start shaving, you should keep at it. Why start any younger than is necessary?

Jessie C.

Be honest and realistic are best tips from my experience.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com

Tina M

My daughter is too young now. I’m going to teach her just be herself and honest


Being open and as you go. I am with you there!

Amanda Sakovitz

I would say to be patient and understanding. Share with them a personal childhood/teenage memory of your own!

pokergrl8 at

Amanda Sakovitz
Jill Bowman

Hello Jamie!

My sister works for Focus on the Family and recommended your blog. And I am so glad she did! My daughters are 6, 4, and 1. So the closest we have come to this conversation is playing with my shaving cream in the tub. But I know that your advice will come in handy down the road, and I appreciate the open conversation tip you suggested. (Already something I try to do, and I just printed off your 25 Prayers for My Husband – something I need to do better!)
Thank you and God bless!

Deb Anderson