One year ago, we met our teenage daughter
One year ago yesterday, we met Lindsey — or as Kathryn puts it, “looked into her eyeballs” — for the first time.
Back then, we couldn’t share her real name or her show her face in photos. So I got creative in our 1st photo.
There were so many emotions wrapped up in that day, for her and for us: anticipation, anxiety, hope, excitement… I posted about all of that in “Let’s Call Her Anne.” I can remember it all very vividly, but at the same time, it seems as if she’s been our daughter so much longer. Even Kathryn said the other day that in memories from years ago, it seems as if Lindsey was there, even though she knows she wasn’t yet. Neat how God does that, isn’t it?
We’ve already seen Lindsey grow so much in the past year, becoming more of who God intends her to be. Friends have told us what a wonderful job we’ve been doing in parenting her, but I can say with certainty that if we have done well, it is entirely the Lord’s doing; we are simply trying to provide the love and environment she needs to flourish. That doesn’t mean she’s thrilled with all of the decisions we make; I’ve been learning the hard way that parenting is not a popularity contest. Sure would be easier if it was! 😉
We look forward to seeing what the Lord does in and through Lindsey, and we are delighted and honored He chose us to be her parents!

Wife, mom, J-ma. Introvert who enjoys good books, sunshine, and authentic conversation. Often seen with a steaming mug of tea in hand – unless it’s lost yet again in the microwave. Read more »
Whenever you talk about adoption I get all teary-eyed. Adoptive families are my heroes. 🙂
I love your story. Congratulations to you and your daughter.
Absolutely wonderful!
I’m adopted myself, so I always love when you post about this subject, and when you share your own family’s stories.
Thanks for letting us in. 🙂
I feel so blessed to have Lindsey as a niece. I agree, it seems that she has always been a part of our family. I know that God will continue to guide all of your family according to His perfect will.
Yay! I am still sooo happy and excited for you and honored that God crossed our paths. Love ya!
God bless you all!
I too get all choked up reading posts about adoption, especially of older children who are so much less likely to find a forever-family. <3
I didn’t know about your blog a year ago and missed this big event, but you’ve spoken of adoption, and I have always assumed it was your youngest daughter. I am so happy for Lindsey to find you. We took in an orphan who was 19 while she was looking for work and homeless for awhile. I learned from her the tremendous need for belonging to a family. It consumed her. I’m so happy you met that need for someone.
She’s beautiful! I’m very happy for your whole family.
What can I say? God does good work! It was my pleasure to be a part of Lindsey’s adoption. I’ll never forget that initial meeting when Kathryn embraced Lindsey and told her, “I want you to be my sister.” We now have so many adoption cases in the works that we had to add a second adoptions worker.