Pinterest Challenge: Duct Tape Clutch
It’s time {already!} for the second installment of a new monthly Pinterest Challenge. This is where we pick one (or more) of the gazillion great things we’ve pinned — be it a recipe, a craft project, a decorating idea, a new way to organize something — and we’ll blog about how it went. We want you to do the same! Sometimes, it’s going to turn out so fantastic you’ll want to cartwheel in the living room. And other times, you’ll have a total flop. But that’s okay; don’t be afraid to share your failures because it makes us all feel better.
This project is another one that is 100% Kathryn’s doing. She chose this duct tape clutch purse to make! It was slow going. There were SO many pieces to cut and fold and weave.
Kathryn downloaded pdf instructions and did a great job following them, but when it got to the end, the directions were very vague and unhelpful in how to finish the bottom of the purse. She was frustrated. This was close to 100 yards of duct tape: that’s a ridiculous amount to waste!
She called this a serious FLOP.
After she thought (and collected herself), she figured out a way to make it work. She positioned and sewed the bottom pieces and used white duct tape to line the inside of the purse — which also served to hold the bottom together.
Her persistence switched this FLOP to a FLIP!
We’ve already got the supplies for our next project (in which I’ll actually participate more than just taking photos!), and recovering a desk chair is still high on my priority list for upcoming Pinterest Challenge projects!
It’s your turn! Link up your own post below:

Wife, mom, J-ma. Introvert who enjoys good books, sunshine, and authentic conversation. Often seen with a steaming mug of tea in hand – unless it’s lost yet again in the microwave. Read more »
Great job, Kathryn!
Way to persevere! I’ve found the same problem in many “homemade” patterns. The instructor obviously knew what they were talking about, but the rest of us, not so much…
What fun! I’m not very artsy-craftsy but my daughters are. They love making stuff with duct tape.