family life

Practicing Gratitude {1093 – 1100}

Another good, fun visit from my Dad.

Watching the miracle of caterpillars-to-butterflies.

A robin nest on our back porch, and a peek at her pretty eggs.

A veggie garden, with a few varieties of heirloom tomatoes I’ve never tried.

Baking with my ten-year-old, using a recipe a few generations old.

Watching my daughters working together, both eager to plant me a tree for mother’s day.
Having a mom to celebrate, and celebrating being a mom.

Sweet text from a friend celebrating her first mother’s day, who told me I’m a great influence on her as a mom — an inspiring yet humbling thought!

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Great post and certainly some wonderful gifts! Glad that you had an enjoyable Mother’s Day.


Hi there Jamie,I am hopping over from the HHH.It is a beautiful picture when your children work together and build the bond they will share for lifetimes.


Wonderful post—such great blessings we all have, if we are just willing to open our eyes and look.

Vicki Arnold

Lovely list. The photo of your daughters planting a tree brings a smile to my face.

Which heirloom tomatoes are you trying?