
Prayers for Parenting and Homeschool

A while back, the leader of my homeschool support group handed out a list of prayers for our homeschool. Since then, I have added and tweaked my list — and I believe all of these apply to parenting in general as well.

Feel free to copy and/or print these prayers, if you’d like.

prayers for parenting and homeschool

In my own list, I have the scripture printed out after the prayer, but to keep this a little shorter (and let you use your own favorite translation), I’ve just included the scripture reference here.

Prayers for parenting and homeschool:

  • Father, prepare my heart to pour out to You like water for the lives of my children. ~ Lamentations 2:19
  • I pray that Your holy word would be on my heart and that I would teach it diligently to my children. ~ Deuteronomy 6:6
  • Help me, Father, not to provoke my children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. ~ Ephesians 6:4
  • I pray that my strength in parenting and homeschooling would come from You, Lord. ~ Philippians 4:13
  • May Your power may be perfected in my weakness, and may Your power may dwell in me. ~ 2 Corinthians 12:9
  • May I remember (on the difficult days) that I have hope in You, that Your lovingkindness and compassions never fail, that Your mercies are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness to me! You are my portion and I have hope in You. Help me wait for You to work, to seek You earnestly instead of taking matters into my own hands. ~ Lamentations 3:21-26
  • Lord, I pray I would have a steadfast mind and that You would keep me in perfect peace as I homeschool and as I parent, trusting You to do the work. ~ Isaiah 26:3
  • As decisions need to be made, I pray I will hear Your voice clearly telling me which way to walk. ~ Isaiah 30:21
  • I pray, Lord, that You would build my marriage, my family, and my homeschool — and that I would not try to do so on my own. ~ Psalm 127:1
  • I pray that I will abide in You as I homeschool and as I parent. ~ John 15:5
  • I pray that I will tell my children about You and praise You every day! ~ Psalm 78:4
  • Father, please equip my children, through Your word, to do every good work You call them to. ~ 2 Timothy 3:16-17
  • May my children learn to work heartily at whatever task is before them, as something done for the Lord, and not for men — and may I set the example for doing this myself! ~ Colossians 3:23

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Jennifer S

OH – these are WONDERFUL!!! I LOVE praying scripture and to specify it over our homeschool is amazing. Scripture can give us words when we are weary – which is SOOO where I am right now. My house is a mess, school is not at our best, and life is a little too nuts for my liking.

Thank you so much for this list – I will print it and put it in my Mom’s School Notebook!


Thank you! I am printing it right now and putting it with my quiet time stuff:)


Love it! I may have to get you to tweak our old list for the notebook! Blessings!


Thanks for offering these to us. I’ll be using them!


I’m so happy to have this. Thanks for sharing! ~K

Annie Kate

It is so important to pray for our children! Thanks for this list!

This morning someone sent me an email with a free adoption book download for February. I immediately thought about you. Here’s the link:


Annie Kate


great list. thanks for sharing! my wife and i are in discussions about all the homeschool models out there. definitely in our future plans!


WOW! This is wonderful! Thanks for sharing!


These are great. Thanks for posting them. I use these in conjuction with Inspired to Action Praying for your husband and children calendars.


Jamie…these are wonderful!! I am copying the list and going to add some of my own. I especially love the last one…expect my children to work heartily, but even more to set the example myself.


I LOVE this. I copied and printed this the other day and I’m going to link this to my homeschool blog! 🙂

Melissa Howard

Thanks for these!! I have several different kinds of prayers that I pray through such as the ones you mentioned in your prayer binder but these are nice for how they target a homeschooling parent.

I am definitely copying them and printing them right now.

[…] Children: I used a homeschooling blogger mom’s (same site I found the prayer binder info above) prayers using scripture found here. […]


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