Read and Share Children’s Bible (Giveaway!)
I received this adorable children’s Bible to review, and only wish I’d had a few copies before Christmas to give to my grand-niece and to friend’s little ones. This is actually a two-for-one review since Kathryn also looked it over and gave me her assessment.
This hardback book has nice-feeling pages and a seemingly sturdy binding. (Yes, I care about things like how pages feel; yucky pages make me sad!) The illustrations, similar to the one on the front of the Bible, are cute and colorful, and some of them even had Kathryn giggling — like the fish’s face in the story of Jonah.
All of the 208 “bite-sized” stories have a reference to the appropriate Bible verse; I like this because it makes it easier for parents who might want to use this for Bible lessons. Stories appear in chronological order, and each one has a short discussion prompt. For instance, in one of the stories of Moses, the prompt is, “Sometimes even when we do good, things get worse for a while. This is when we need to remember that God can see ahead.” Or when Jesus walks on the water, the prompt asks, “If you had been in that boat, what would you have done?”
After some discussion, Kathryn and I decided we’d recommend this story Bible for ages two to eight. The illustrations and short length of the stories would be wonderful for toddlers and preschoolers. Beginning readers could read along with mom or dad, as the font is large and kid-friendly. Early elementary kids could read this for themselves, and parents could discuss the stories, or follow up by reading aloud from the “real” Bible.
Would YOU like your own copy of the Read and Share Bible? You can purchase it for yourself here or you can win one, thanks to Thomas Nelson Publishing, who sent me an extra copy to give away to one of my readers!
How to enter:
* Leave a comment on this post telling me to enter you. *
EXTRA chances to win:
- “Tweet” this post — and leave a comment telling me you did so!
- “Like” the Tommy Nelson Kids facebook page — and leave a comment telling me you did so! (Also find excepts from the Read and Share Bible on that page!)
- “Like” my blog on facebook — and leave another comment telling me you did!
I will choose a random winner next Wednesday (January 12) to be notified by email!

Wife, mom, J-ma. Introvert who enjoys good books, sunshine, and authentic conversation. Often seen with a steaming mug of tea in hand – unless it’s lost yet again in the microwave. Read more »
I do not have twitter, but I do want entered for this giveaway! I also liked your fan page on facebook and like Tommy Nelson’s fb page. 🙂
Have a great New Year!
I like the Tommy Nelson page 🙂
… and I like, like, like, like your blog (on FB too) 😀
I want to be entered… 🙂
I already “liked” your blog on Facebook…does that count?
I would love to be entered in this giveaway! This would be perfect for my 4 and 6 year olds!
I “like” your blog on facebook!
I also “like” Tommy Nelson on facebook!
Sounds great! We’d love to win!
I like your blog on FB!
Ooho…pick me…pick me…pick…or someone else 🙂
I would love to be entered please. I struggle to find a good bible for my four, three and nearly two years old children.
I also liked your blog on Facebook 🙂
And I liked Tommy Nelson’s page!
Jamie – thanks for the review! It’s most helpful, as we are always trying to find new ideas to get the Word into our children’s lives. Children’s Bible is an app designed for children 3-13 & shares Bible stories through comics. It is available for most smart phones & computers. We have found this is a great way to get our children in the habit of reading the Bible, & it’s on their level. They have really enjoyed it & we are thrilled at their excitement with the Word. Just something we have found that works & wanted to pass… Read more »
Please enter me 🙂
Please enter me in the contest. Susan
I’d love to be entered in the Bible giveaway contest! THANKS!
Please enter me in the contest for the children’s storybook Bible. Thanks so much!
I “like” you on facebook too.
And I “like” Tommy Nelson” on facebook too. 🙂
Yes, please enter me. We suck at the Bible Study thing around here, and I have such a hard time finding a Bible I think is appropriate for my kids.
Thanks to my random number generator, comment #17 wins the prize — and that’s Susan! I’ve sent her an email to let her know she’s the winner. Thanks to everyone who entered!