2015 Reader Survey: Your opinion matters!
Welcome to 2015, friends! I’m hoping and dreaming big things this year for myself, my family, and for you, too.
I’m starting out the year asking for a favor: pretty-please fill out my reader survey so I can learn more about you and your reading preferences.
If you’re wondering: answers are totally anonymous, and I won’t track IP addresses or any of that. Surveys like this help me understand who is reading, and give me ideas on how to make my blog more helpful or encouraging to my readers. The more thorough answers you give, the more you help me create better content.
–> Click here to take my 2015 reader survey.
The very last question is open-ended, for you to give me any sort of feedback my survey didn’t cover. If there are questions you’ve wanted to ask, take advantage of the question portion; since it’s anonymous, you can ask anything at all and I’ll work answers to most of those questions into future posts.
And finally, thank you for reading. However you got here and however long you’ve been a reader, I’m glad you’re here.
photo courtesy of pixabay

Wife, mom, J-ma. Introvert who enjoys good books, sunshine, and authentic conversation. Often seen with a steaming mug of tea in hand – unless it’s lost yet again in the microwave. Read more »