family life

Spring Break To-Do List

Next week we’re taking a spring break from homeschooling. In fact, next week there is absolutely nothing I am required to do. So I’m making myself a big fat to-do list. And I’m excited about it. (Making lists: it’s a sickness. Just like my addiction to books. And tea. And cute notebooks…)

To Do ListNext week I’m planning to:

  • Do oodles of reading!
  • Weed and prune my front flower bed.
  • Sand and refinish an antique desk for Kathryn’s room.
  • Write a few blog posts I haven’t had proper time to write.
  • Order butterfly larvae for nature study.
  • Plan the remaining eight weeks of our school year.
  • Repair a few holes in the quilt on the master bed, and wash it.
  • Wash the leaves on my indoor houseplants, and re-pot if necessary.
  • Clean, clean, clean! Anything that doesn’t move is going to get cleaned. (And maybe a few things that do — like the dog!)
  • Organize, organize, organize! My mission: de-clutter and simplify!
  • Donate stuff!

I have warned the family that once I am on a roll, anything is fair game. If it’s not organized or cleaned up to my standards, then I’ll do it myself. They’re kinda scared about that, so I anticipate them doing a bit of cleaning/organizing of their own this week! {Insert evil-sounding laugh here.}

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Stef - Layton Family Joy

you order the butterfly larvae? wow – we just planted milkweed and “tada” the magical butterfly storks appeared.

Enjoy your spring break!


Yes, it is VERY, VERY scary!!!!!!! 🙁


I love that order butterfly larvae is on your list.
We ordered duck eggs and cockroaches off ebay.

Kimberley Byrd

I LOVE lists!!!! Have a great spring break!


Sounds like you have your week planned out! We take a whole MONTH for spring break, and my to-do list is insane. Of course, half of it are outdoor tasks, so I am praying for good weather. Last year we had the rainiest April EVER. Prepping gardens really stinks in the rain, especially when you want kids to help. We have never hatched anything, but I keep intending to try to find mantis nests… we always find them after they’ve hatched. That would be so neat! Butterflies would be too! Have fun!

Traci's Teaching Times

Our spring break is coming up the week of April 17th. My children are going to the beach with my sister and brother-in-law so I have great plans also. I can’t list reading at the top of my list. If I do, not anything else gets done.


I’ve warned my kids, “If you don’t find a place for it, I’m going to find a place in the trash for it.”


I like the first thing on the list, reading. I don’t get much time for personal reading. We do a lot of read-a-louds and audio books though. My wife and I share the schooling of our two DC’s. Although she does most of it because she’s been doing it longer and I’m sure better. I believe I’m learning more than our children since I was terribly dumb in public school (I just could not understand). Now I do and love HSing.

H-Mama @ Family Team

“They’re kinda scared about that” too funny! Have a great week. Love guilt-free {homeschool} time off. 😉

Traci's Teaching Times

Jamie, I am posting again for a test. I am trying to figure out why my post is not showing my most recent blog. It is still showing the title to the one a few days ago. Any ideas why? If so, pop over and let me know so I can fix it. Thanks


Jamie—doesn’t seem like much of a break! Make sure to take some time to do something fun just for you(and I don’t mean cleaning! 😉 )


Love your list–and your daughter’s response here–ha! I would like to order butterfly larvae as well. What source do you use and what do you do for their food? ~K


Sounds like you have a great week planned. My wish for you and us, a little further east is a beautiful weather next week.


And I thought I was the only one who made lists like it was a sickness. lol I hope you get everything on your list done this week!

Michael White

I wish I had spring break. I just work so I don’t get spring break. I just get work. SAD TIMES.

Aubrey Cox

I love spring break very much. I love the way you breaking down the to do list for spring break. Your children were scared about that and it is really funny.