Tag: grandbaby love

rail fence baby quilt

My youngest grandchild is going on 18 months old now and is ridiculously adorable. I cannot even handle it. Before his arrival, I made him a baby quilt…

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Quilting: a new (old) hobby

Years ago I picked up a little how-to-quilt book at Walmart and made my first quilt. After that full-sized one, I made one baby quilt. And then I guess I

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Adopting a teen: 8 years later

As of last Sunday, it has been eight years since the day we finalized Lindsey’s adoption. In the courtroom on Lindsey’s adoption day, 2009: Eight years. In many ways, that

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Life lately: November 2017

“This is part of what a family is about, not just love. It’s knowing that your family will be there watching out for you. Nothing else will give you that.

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Greyson’s Birth Day

As it turns out, we did that little maternity photo session just in time. That was a Wednesday evening; the following Tuesday morning (last week!), while I was at the

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Baby Greyson: coming soon!

Just as with Lindsey’s first pregnancy, this little fellow tried to arrive early and needed medical intervention to help him stay put so he could “bake” a little longer. She

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