family life

Those acorns were right!

As a Georgia blogger, there is an unwritten law that I must blog about the snow. After all, it’s not often we get 5+ inches in the Atlanta area! First a white Christmas, and now this! We haven’t had this much snow since March of 1993 when a blizzard came through. My dad (and larger-than-usual white oak acorns, one of his farmers’ almanac sorts of signs to tell about the coming season) was right about us having a hard winter!

The storm came in Sunday night. It started after Kathryn was in bed, so she woke to a winter wonderland! With high temps still in the upper 20’s, we haven’t thawed out yet. It’s beautiful, but this Georgia-born girl still isn’t accustomed to seeing a snow-covered yard, and it surprises me every time I walk by a window. Public schools have been closed all week, and they’ve already announced closings for tomorrow as well.

Ken was off work Monday and Tuesday because of the snow, and the office opened late today. Our mail hasn’t run all week. (What happened to that bit about “neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds”?) I placed an order with Amazon last week and received an email last night saying, “Delivery of your package may be delayed due to extreme weather conditions or an unforeseen natural event. UPS will deliver the package as soon as possible.” For all intents and purposes, our city has been shut down.

Maybe it’s because I’ve lived 37 years in a state where we rarely get sled-worthy snow, where the summers are hot and humid and L-O-N-G, but I personally love snow days like we’ve had so far this week. Some of my fondest memories are sledding with my dad and playing in the snow. Again, maybe just because those times are so rare.

Kathryn pauses from snowman-building to let me take a photo.January2011Snow-1

Ken and Lindsey, getting ready for more sledding

A rare Georgia snowman, complete with carrot nose.

One of the things I love about homeschooling is the flexibility. We work school around our schedule, rather than the other way around. So we’ve been off all week, just because we can. We’ve played in the snow, gone sledding together, relaxed, played games, and drank plenty of tea/coffee/hot chocolate (depending on which family member we’re talking about). I made snow ice cream last night, which was a first for Ken and both of the girls.

We haven’t done any formal education this week,
but we’ve been busy making memories.

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What a wonderful use of the week – and that snowman is sooo cute!

Beth Bullington

Looks like a fun week.

Kris @ Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers

Adorable snowman!


Wonderful post! I asked Himself that same thing about the postal service. 🙂 And we made snow cream, too, just like I remember making as a child during unexpected snowfalls.