
Looking Back: Top 10 Posts of 2014

most popular posts on See Jamie Blog from 2014

At the close of each year, I always spend time thinking about what went well and what I’d like to change. That goes for my blog, too. Today I’m sharing my top ten most popular posts written in 2014, and enjoying a little look back.

Did you have a favorite of my posts? If so, I’d love to know what it was, and if it made this list.

Most popular posts from 2014:

how to be friends with an introvert

1) How to be Friends with an Introvert. By far the most viewed and shared post this year! In fact, it’s topped any other post I’ve ever written. Even more than the popularity of this post, I like knowing so many people can relate — as evidenced by this also being my most commented-on post.

fairy garden swing

2) Spring Nature Study: Fairy Garden. A fun little project the kids really enjoyed; you could make this as simple or as complex as you’d like. And thankfully, spring isn’t all that far away!

Bonding in Adoption

3) When Mom struggles with bonding in adoption. One of those posts where I talk about hard things and get vulnerable. I’ve gotten an number of emails from fellow adoptive parents, thanking me for this one because it let them know they’re not alone.

how to parent an introvert child

4) How to parent your Introvert child. A follow-up to my #1 post. Because I was that kid and I remember how it was.

homeschool time vs content

5) Time vs Content in Love of Learning Phase. About how we homeschool the middle years, based loosely on the Thomas Jefferson Education model.

time to play

6) Evolution of a homeschool: changing methodology. Every homeschooling family makes little changes as they go; we’ve made a number of changes, particularly over the past two years.

Core Phase for Young Learners

7) Relaxed homeschooling: Core Phase for young learners. About how we homeschool the elementary kids, again based on the TJ Ed or Leadership Education model.

pound cake

8) Gran’s Pound Cake Recipe. Yum! Need I say more?

Mama sets the tone

9) Homeschool Routine: it starts with me. I’m still re-learning this lesson and figuring out exactly what works best for me so I can make things work best for everyone else.

personality type parenting

10) How Understanding Personality Types Changed my Parenting. Suddenly learning to parent a child who is my polar opposite in personality prompted me to explore how to parent her better and keep myself sane in the process.

But wait! There’s more!

{Am I the only one who remembers those goofy Ginsu knife commercials back in the day? We made fun of them often in my house when I was a kid!}

These posts were written in previous years but continue to be some of my most popular posts every month:

  1. 25 Prayers for my Husband – I’ve included a pdf version in the post so you can print for easy reference if you’d like.
  2. If Someone You Know is Adopting – tips that make a big difference.
  3. Once upon a blog comment – the popularity of this one tells me I’m not the only one who misses the days of frequent blog commenting.
  4. The Cook’s Book: My Recipe Binder – I do love organization!
  5. Socialization is a bunch of malarkey – Yep, pretty much.

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Susan Evans

These posts sound really good! No wonder they were your top 10! My daughter would love to make that fairy swing…