Top adoption blog (again!) thanks to YOU
Y’all!!! I’m honored to once again have been named one of the Best Adoption Blogs by Healthline for the third year in a row. Appearing on a list with some of my favorite online adoptive parents is downright awesome. It’s all because of y’all, you know; what I write wouldn’t matter all that much without you reading and sharing my posts.
Nifty little synopsis, I think. (And I’m kinda missing that haircut.)
If you’re new here, you might be unfamiliar with our story. You can get the short version HERE with links to more posts from my heart as an adoptive mom. It hasn’t been easy and currently therapy is helping me stay sane; it’s not directly therapy for me, but for my youngest girl. Regardless of who we’re calling the patient, seeing this therapist who has extensive experience working with adopted kids and particularly with attachment issues has helped my girl — and has helped me know I haven’t been imagining things and I’m not crazy. That in itself has dramatically changed things in our home. You can bet I’ll be writing more extensively about this for the other adoptive mamas (and daddies) out there.
Know what the BEST THING about being an adoptive mom has been so far? Grandbabies!!! Of course that’s not just an adoptive-parent thing; I have two of the cutest grandsons on the planet from my stepson and his beautiful bride, and someday I might have a biological one or two in the mix. I’m a sap when it comes to them and make a fool of myself often just to see them giggle.
Click the badge to see the full 2018 line-up:

Wife, mom, J-ma. Introvert who enjoys good books, sunshine, and authentic conversation. Often seen with a steaming mug of tea in hand – unless it’s lost yet again in the microwave. Read more »
Love it! Congrats Jamie. We are honored to know you on this journey.
Thanks, Mike!!