

I spent some time on the AdoptUsKids website earlier today, looking at profiles of children waiting to be adopted, and hearing them talk about how hard it is to be in this state of limbo. “We want to be able to feel secure somewhere.Feeling loved and secure are so important, but these kids in foster care don’t have that. This rips at my heart.

There are so many kids around the world don’t have that love or security either — and many don’t even know where their next meal will come from. I believe that unless children come to know love from those around them, they will have a very hard time ever coming to know the love of Jesus. I’ve seen this with our own adopted daughter, but it must be even more so for children who face the very real possibility of starving or dying of treatable diseases.

My family sponsors two children through Compassion: Lucy and Josphat. They live in Kenya, and on my fridge, too, so we think of them and remember to pray for them often. Eventually, I’d love to sponsor additional children, but we want to be able to commit to sponsoring these kids for many years to come, so we’ll add other kids as we can. Receiving letters or drawings from our Kenyan kids gets my whole family excited; in fact, we all fight over who gets to read the letters first. 😉

Lucy and Josphat

If you’ve ever thought of sponsoring a Compassion child, please consider sponsoring one of the longest waiting children. Sponsorship is only $38/month, and provides:

  • food and clean water
  • medical care and health-related instruction
  • educational opportunities
  • life-skills training
  • hearing the gospel — and experiencing the love of Jesus in a tangible way

Bonus: a gift for you, if you choose to sponsor a “Longest Waiting Child,” you’ll receive a free Compassion Scrapbook! (You must sign-up online and make your first payment with a credit/debit card. Must also be a resident of the U.S. or territories.)

Do you sponsor a child somewhere around the world, through Compassion or any other organization? I’d love to hear about it!


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Kara @ The Chuppies

I keep stopping by and getting called away before I finish a comment… I loved your previous post about adoption and felt a connection with you as you wandered through the AdoptUSKids pages….we frequent the “waiting children” page for our state often. I love your heart for adoption and your willingness to be the family that God wants you to be for whomever God wants to place with you…this is the heart that we want to keep. And this post is great–because it’s a way for anyone to be involved in the love-of-children movement. Our Compassion kiddo is in Honduras… Read more »


Jamie, thank you so much for your sweet comments on my blog. I am so glad you commented, because through that I have found another great adoption blog! I have spent a little bit of time looking around your blog and reading your family story. I love seeing what the Lord is doing in the lives of families and vulnerable children all over the world. What an encouragement to read of families stepping up to the call. I am excited to add you to my reader and read daily!!


Growing up we sponsored a family in Mississippi through the Box Project, my mom continues to be in touch with them:. Sending packages of whatever things are needed, or writing checks to cover their heat during the winter. Whatever they needed and we could afford.

Benjer McVeigh

Compassion is an amazing organization…our youth ministry has gotten very involved with Compassion recently, sponsoring several kids as a group, but also raising money in their event One Meal One Day, and taking an offering each week to by clean water systems through their Compassion Catalogue. We don’t currently sponsor a child, but at gift-giving holidays, we encourage our kids to forego one gift and instead choose something from the Compassion Catalogue to give.


Knowing that there are people in the world who are deprived or simply cannot assess the necessities that we take for granted can truly break your heart. I hope that more and more people will try to help them.


Compassion is a great organization! We sponsor a little girl from Tanzania and a girl from Ethiopia through Compassion and we sponsor a little boy from Ethiopia through an organization called Vulnerable Children Society. The last time my husband and oldest son were in Ethiopia, they were able to meet the little boy we sponsor and spend some time with him, which makes it so much more personal. Sponsorship is such a wonderful thing!