Week-end: links & life {vol. 21}
“Grandma always made you feel she had been waiting to see just you all day and now the day was complete.” -Marcy DeMaree
My Granmama always managed to make us grandkids feel special. I hope to do the same for my own grandchildren. Brandon texted me this photo from their ultrasound this week; that’s my grandbaby boy waving hello! Clearly he is already a genius. And adorable!
from around the web
- Is your family life sometimes difficult? :: “I just wanted to sit in my chair and have a vacation experience that feels at least a little bit like a Zac Brown song.” What can we learn from kids interrupting a perfect moment like that? A lot, actually.
- How to get better at deciding :: I hate making decisions, especially ones that really aren’t that important but take up valuable brain power. Great ideas here.
- Ghetto Chic swimming pool design :: The real brilliance in this post is the foot-washing station! I’m so going to do this at our future beach cottage, but it would work for dirty grassy bare (or sandaled) feet, too.
- Funny texts from Mom :: No matter which side of the conversation you’re on, these are funny. Possible favorite: “howdoyouspace”
- Why I’m only wearing my favorite clothes :: I haven’t entirely implemented this yet but I’m totally on board with the concept. Why not wear the clothes you really like and skip the so-so outfits?
on the blog (in case you missed ’em):
right here at home
Kathryn is at her dad’s this week so she’s “off” for spring break. But the rest of us are doing things pretty much as usual. Which means a little bit of tablework for Scout, plus a whole lot of learning through life. One day this week the kids and I discussed: reproductive organs, puberty, the digestive system, childbirth, why we don’t discuss all these topics with neighbors and Sunday School teachers, how exercise burns calories, elephant poachers, nature preserves, airplanes large and small, speed limits as they apply to motorcycles, and so. much. more.
With a day full of interest-led conversations like that, they learn a ton, and my brain is done by bedtime. 😉 This all arose from Scout’s questions related to my fitness trainer studies and went from there. I also pulled The Human Body for Every Kid off the shelf and she’s been working her way through it, spawning even more questions and discussions. I love learning like that.
Piper (and I!) graduated from beginner obedience class this week. HURRAY!
If you’re on instagram, join the iHomeschool Network bloggers for a fun photo-a-day challenge that includes a chance to win great prizes! Tea was my “school supplies” photo — because this homeschool mama doesn’t function without it! If you want to play along, just make sure you use the #iHSnet hashtag.
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Linking up with Kris and Mary.

Wife, mom, J-ma. Introvert who enjoys good books, sunshine, and authentic conversation. Often seen with a steaming mug of tea in hand – unless it’s lost yet again in the microwave. Read more »
I would have liked to have been around your table for those interest led discussions this week! 😉
Yeah, if Kathryn was here she’d have been cracking up in the background. 😉
Sounds like you had a blended Break. We kind of skipped Spring Break this year in hopes for having a long summer. It’s the longest summer we’ve had since starting homeschooling and I believe my kids are caught up on their learning gaps they’ve experienced while in traditional school. But it’s hard sticking to the schedule til Mid-May.
It is hard sticking through; I’m always antsy by this time of year to just be done!
Piper is such a cutie. I know you’re going to make an amazing grandma. And, I had a random, passing thought jump into my head and it occurred to me that you might like to hear it – I love the way you’re doing your Friday posts now with the different headings. I told you it was random, but it’s one of those things bloggers like to hear. 🙂
Thank you, and yes, that is nice to hear! Besides, I’m very random myself so I appreciate a good random thought. 😉
Congratulations on grand-baby!! So wonderful. Thanks for sharing the book link, I plan to check that out 🙂
Thank you and you’re welcome!
Congrats to you and Piper! LOL And a grandma! How exciting!
Love the wave! So cute! My nephew and his wife are expecting their first too – and I’m watching my sister go through the new grammie phase. It’s beautiful watching families grow.
I love how you included yourself in graduating from obedience school. We always said the puppy training was actually training us! It’s a great investment that will pay off for years! Congrats! Love the blog links you included. I have to admit, I recently jumped on the ‘only wear what I love’. I streamlined by closet and love it.