
Week-end: links & life {vol. 34}

“Then followed that beautiful season… Summer…
Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light; and the landscape lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood.”
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


It’s summer, and it’s hot. But blowing bubbles is a good way to spend an evening after the hottest part of the day is past.

from around the web

on the blog (in case you missed ’em):

I was bloggier than usual this week!

right here at home

weekly collage

I’m very pleased with how my book sale has gone this week, and Ken was kind enough to take my ridiculous stack of packages to the post office for me. Isn’t he the sweetest? To be fair, though, I was the one stuck at home surrounded by painters, grumpy kids, and cooped-up dogs. Oh, and all those flies that got in the house when the windows had to be open so they could be painted properly. The house is looking AWESOME, though, and they should be done with the job today. {Yay!}

I’ve been working on homeschool planning for the coming year, which always gets me excited regardless how the previous homeschool year ended; I believe boundless optimism and a touch of amnesia may be requirements for homeschool moms.

*Linking up with Kris’s weekly wrap-up.

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I am in the middle of painting all of the trim. It is such a big job. It sounds like a good summer around you place.
Blessings, Dawn


Greetings Jamie, I bet the house is looking great, nothing like a fresh coat of paint to beautify our surroundings! So thrilled that you are all having a great summer as well. We are too, but we are exhausted, and we haven’t even had our family vacation as of yet! We chose a camping trip at the beautiful Fort DeSoto camping grounds in Sarasota Florida. Right by the beach! You would definitely be in your element. Can’t wait! About homeschooling planning: after 2 years of debating on it, and much prayer, the Lord has led us to… YES , homeschooling… Read more »