
Week-end: links & life {vol. 37}

“Clutter is not just physical stuff. It’s old ideas, toxic relationships, and bad habits. Clutter is anything that does not support your better self.” – Eleanor Brownn

crochet by Kathryn

Simple. That’s what I’m working towards. Simplifying belongings, yes, but simplifying other parts of life, too because there are some parts that are going to remain complicated no matter what I do. Related: I really need to let Kathryn teach me to crochet because it seems like a beautifully meditative thing to do.

from around the web

on the blog (in case you missed it):

right here at home


Last Friday, I enjoyed lunch (and beignets!) with a friend. Then on Saturday, I caught up via phone with another friend; though we’ve been friends 30+ years, we’d lost touch a few years ago — but thanks to my mad internet-snooping skills, I re-found her. Friends, new and old, are a good thing, y’all.
{Oh, and hummingbirds? They’re my friends, too.}

Although I’ve made some progress in re-organizing all of our homeschool books and supplies — moving out the old to make room for the new — I also confess to procrastinating by reading my way through a big stack of library books. This weekend I expect to have run out of books so I’ll tackle the rest of the homeschool organizing, then reward myself with more books!

What are your weekend plans?

*Linking up with Kris’s weekly wrap-up.

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Sounds like a great week! Curious, regarding homeschool planning.. Have you decided on a math program yet for Kathryn? Hope your weekend is blessed!

Chris Tilley

I am planning on the same thing. I want to take everything off the shelf. Get rid of what we will never use again. Box and label anything that will be useful in a couple of years for my youngest. In general have only what we need for the current year on the shelves. I may take before and after pictures…

Chris Tilley

All done! And I did take pictures :-). I linked to it above. It feel so good to be ready for the new year.