Weekly Report ~ with art again (finally!)
Monday our public schools were out, which meant Lindsey was home, and that threw Kathryn for a bit of a loop in regards to us doing school when Lindsey was off. Which was totally my fault because I’d let that holiday slip up on me and forgot public school would be out. We ended up doing a bit of a lighter school day than usual.
We dove into Oliver Twist for our literature read-aloud. The first few paragraphs were brutal in terms of understanding what we were reading, but once we got into it, we’ve really been enjoying this book! Enjoying it so much, in fact, that Kathryn is disappointed when I have to take a break — but reading aloud all that Dickensian language wears out my tongue more quickly than modern language! Actually, I think it’s my brain that wears out in trying to read those more unfamiliar words with enthusiasm. Regardless, it seems so far that Oliver Twist is a hit, but I shouldn’t be surprised; our Ambleside recommendations usually are.
(Kathryn watercolors her state maps while I read from Abraham Lincoln’s World
for history.)
A few weeks ago, we discovered Wonderopolis, and it’s fast become one of the highlights of Kathryn’s day. After she finishes her Teaching Textbooks math lesson on the schoolroom laptop, she opens up several “brain food” links. She usually saves Wonderopolis for last, as it’s her favorite. There is a new “Wonder” for each day, and she’s been gradually working on catching up on all the past ones she’s missed. This week, for instance, she’s learned about how Post-It Notes were invented, and why you can see your breath in cold weather. That’s some fun science learning!
No formal nature study this week, despite my good intentions, but we still watch the birds at our feeder every day, as it’s just outside the window by the table where we eat. When I saw the chickadee chalk pastel art tutorial at Hodgepodge, I knew we had to do it because we see chickadees just about every day and because they are one of my very favorite backyard birds! Since we did this project late in the afternoon, Lindsey and Ken were able to join in the fun. These projects are definitely sometime we need to do more of!
(the results, clockwise from top left: Kathryn’s, Ken’s, Lindsey’s, and mine)
The new term for Kathryn’s enrichment classes started this week, and she’s excited. She’s taking a loom knitting class, which means that she’ll have new stitches and techniques for making hats, but will also learn to make something other than hats! She’s continuing on with her Girls in Grace class, which teaches homemaking skills in context of the Proverbs 31 woman. This is one of those classes where I could do all these projects myself at home, but she really enjoys doing this with a group of other girls — and quite frankly, I probably wouldn’t actually follow through with doing all these projects on my own. (But I plan to do more this year!) Her other class is LEGO simple machines, and she is really excited about this one. She’s also excited that there is ONE other girl in there with her, as I’d prepared her for the fact this would be a class that could be all boys. We do these classes just once a week, and it’s a nice change of pace for us both.
Those are the highlights of our homeschool week! Find more at Kris’s Weekly Wrap-Up!

Wife, mom, J-ma. Introvert who enjoys good books, sunshine, and authentic conversation. Often seen with a steaming mug of tea in hand – unless it’s lost yet again in the microwave. Read more »
I LOVE the drawings!! You’re all so talented! 🙂 What a fun schoolday that sounds like. I almost miss doing school at home. Scratch that– I DO miss it. 🙂 You guys sound like you’re doing great!
Thanks, Jaimie! I don’t know about talented, but we had fun, and that tutorial helped a lot!
Thank you for the wonderful links. I’m going to show my daughter both and get her feedback. The drawings of the birds look beautiful!!
What a great art project and how special that you all got to do it together! Thanks for sharing :).
I love the artwork! Just beautiful! 🙂
The Girls in Grace class sounds wonderful! Wow! Where did you find a program like that? I would love for our daughter to be able to take a class like that. She does participate in a homeschool sewing class which she really enjoys.
Thanks for visiting my blog!
Many blessings,
The class is part of a nearby program with homeschool enrichment programs, but it is really just a creative mom who combined a Proverbs 31 woman study with homemaking projects!
Those pastel paintings are so beautiful! I’ve always like little chickadees! We have a lot of them in our woods and can always recognize their unique call!
Such talented artists at your house. I’m terrible at it and at getting around to it so I farmed it out to a pro this year. lol Wonderopolis sounds neat. I’ll have to check it out.
Wow, great art work! I’m going to go and check out Wonderopolis now…thanks for sharing :).
I love the artwork. Makes me want do a family art project! Girls in Grace also sounds wonderful! I know that I am still learning much from Proverbs 31. How amazing to learn those verses so young!
Jamie – I am smiling big as I see ALL of you gathered around making chickadees! Love seeing the blending and the concentration on faces. Thank you so much for sharing! And a beautiful job you all did. Don’t you think they are quick and fun? Definitely a lovely, artsy week!
Wow, color me impressed, such artists! Also: I love your Valentine-y pencil caddies. Cute!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love the drawings!! XOXO
What an artistic family! I love it! The drawings are all very nice!
Thanks for sharing the web links, I am going to show my kiddos the Wonderopolis site soon. That just looks like lots of fun.
Growing up Oliver Twist was one of my favorite stories but I hadn’t thought yet about reading it to my kids. That may just be a book in our future as well. Thanks for the reminder!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Love the watercolor pastels! We so need to try those sometime.
The artwork looks great!!!
Thanks for the links! I love the drawings. They turned out great.
Sounds like a great week! Love the chickadee drawings, how fun!!
You should definitely frame those drawings! Wouldn’t they (and any others) look wonderful as a wall collage? And I love your markers, pencils, etc pails and “Lazy Susan”! I need that! LOL
Oh, I like that idea!
I’m very impressed with your drawings! We haven’t found any chickadees in our area.
After noticing my kid’s creativity and artistic side, I made sure to support him as well. Aside from the fun side of it, he gets to develop his talent. I am proud to see his progess and result of his work.
You are a family of artists. It is great that you are supporting your kid’s talents. The activities you recommended for her will surely enhance her skills and allow her to appreciate art and creativity more.
I love those pictures! We really need to make more time for art!
Oh, my! Your chickadees are beautiful. Love all the pictures.