adoption, homeschool

Weekly Wrap-Up & Radio Interview!

weekly wrap upEvery other Monday gets off to a slow start because that’s when Kathryn returns from a weekend at her dad’s. It’s hard to make her sit down and start schoolwork the minute she gets home, and sometimes we never seem to get on track until the next day. (One of those blended family challenges we deal with.)

Tuesday, we did a nature study on cattails! But, we didn’t accomplish any art this week. Next week we’ll shoot for BOTH!

Wednesday, we had a field trip to a radio station! Why? Oh, just because we were being interviewed!!!
Radio Interview
After the talk we gave at a banquet for Bethany Christian Services a few months ago, we were asked to do a radio interview for a local AM station to share our adoption story again. Of course we said yes! The plan is to air a trimmed-down version of our interview sometime soon, and then to use snippets from the interview in commercial spots for Bethany Services on our favorite radio station, 104.7 The Fish. I don’t know when either will happen. I’m just hoping we didn’t babble too much for them to get anything useful out of us! The folks there were super-nice, and our interviewer was kind enough to give us a tour of the station before the interview, so I totally think that counts as an awesome field trip! 🙂

Thursday, Ken and I gave a presentation on NILMDTS at a staff in-service training class at a local hospital. The girls are old enough to stay at home on occasions like that, but I don’t think they get as much done when I’m not here.

And Friday, we spent part of the afternoon turning the living room into a studio and doing a little photo shoot with Lindsey for the cover (yes, I said cover!) of a national adoption publication, where our story will be featured. I’m so blown away by how many avenues God has used to allow us to share our story, and hopefully encourage others who are considering adoption!

Our quirky/busy week is why we didn’t do all the things I wanted to do this week, so there are actually a few things we’ll finish up tomorrow, like science.

We are covering early American history using WinterPromise “American Crossing” curriculum. Since Lindsey just joined us at home full-time, I have gone through and whittled it down to the basics to fit a year’s worth of history into one semester for her. So right now, she is studying Colonial times, while Kathryn is studying the American Revolution.

For geography, both girls are doing a notebooking page and coloring an antique-looking map on one state each week. This week was our own home state of Georgia!

Kathryn has finally made peace with Story Starters, so we are doing that again for her creative writing assignments.

Both girls do Bible devotions on their own each day. Kathryn and I are back to our morning routine of reading aloud (me doing the reading) from our chronological Bible, and she makes at least one page for her Bible notebook each week. She chose to do this week’s page about when David was anointed as king in 1 Samuel.

I’m tired and it’s time to snuggle with my littlest gal, so y’all enjoy your weekend!

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What an exciting week! I’ll be listening for the radio spots. Isn’t it amazing how God is spreading the word through your family?

Annie Kate

Wow, Jamie, what a week! It’s amazing what you’ve been able to do.

May God bless the interview and all the other things you are doing…as well as the everyday things like homeschooling.

Annie Kate

Kris @ Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers

How exciting about the radio interview and the magazine cover! Someday I’ll be able to say I knew you when. 😉