
2017 survey results

First of all, I want to say a big ol’ THANK YOU to everyone who reads my blog, and an even bigger THANK YOU to everyone who filled out my little survey this go-round. I loved reading your responses, especially the “other feedback” you shared with me. Y’all made me smile with your sweet comments.

About my readers, demographically speaking:

  • 60% of you are homeschoolers.
  • Almost 1/3 are foster and/or adoptive parents.
  • Nearly 1/2 are “pet parents.”
  • 16% are part of a blended family.
  • About 10% of you are grandparents. (Yay, grandbabies!)

As far as work goes, 44% of you work outside the home full or part time, while 40% are stay-at-home parents. The rest of my readers work from home, are university students, or are retired.

Favorite & suggested topics:

Of course, as they say, you can’t please all of the people all of the time, but I like having your input on what you enjoy here. I always welcome your questions and input, so even it takes me a while to respond or turn it into a F.A.Q. post, I always read and will eventually respond — so go ahead and email me if you didn’t get in on the survey!

{non-relevant but pretty photo by Ken}

According to the survey, your favorite topics included homeschooling and adoption, as well as family life. Also high on the list were time management and day-in-the-life posts. You said you also enjoy when I post about books, fitness and healthy living, and organization. Thankfully, y’all seem to like my island adventures as well!

Those of you who answered about your biggest health/fitness challenge overwhelmingly agree that finding time is what you struggle with most, followed closely by motivation. Another common struggle mentioned is figuring out specifically what to do when you manage to find the time and motivation.

My blogging plans:

All the topics I plan to write about were on your list (yay!) and y’all gave me some additional ideas too! Rest assured that I’ll keep posting the types of things you’ve been seeing here for years. I’ll be adding in some others as well; my blog has always followed along with whatever is front and center in my life, so of course it has morphed gradually over the years. When I started blogging, I wrote almost entirely about homeschooling because navigating that brand new adventure was foremost on my mind. As other things enter my life and begin to take up space in my head and heart, they’ve shown up here too: adoption, fitness, personality types, sea turtles… and who knows what next!

My blogging frequency has fluctuated over the years, and many of you said you’d enjoy more frequent updates. My goal is to post twice a week: this is a bit more often than I’ve done in the past year(ish) but less often than a few years ago. Those twice-weekly posts may not always happen since offline life takes priority, but I do try to make time because I truly enjoy sharing here!

I’ll continue to send out a weekly email update. Or if you prefer a feed reader, I suggest bloglovin’ and feedly. These options are entirely free with no strings attached.

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