family life

6 things I learned in March

Anne Bogel’s blog is one of my favorites, so I got the idea for this post from her and she got the idea from Emily Freeman. I love learning, so I like this concept of sharing a handful of things I learned lately, from the significant to the shallow.

1- Our nation uses a lot of straws.

On average, folks in the U.S. go through about 500 million straws a day, according to the National Parks Service. That’s about 1.5 straws per person every 24 hours. Crazy! It’s really awful for the environment. If you just can’t happily sip without a straw, try bringing your own reusable metal or silicone straw.

2- In a pinch, an empty wine bottle makes a perfectly good water bottle.

Gosh I love my Silver Sneakers class. One day, one of my ladies brought a wine bottle to class because she misplaced her water bottle. She knew hydration in exercise is important but didn’t have time to hunt that lost water bottle — so she washed out an empty wine bottle and used that. Recycling at it’s finest! (And no straws required!)

3- I can RUN 3+ miles without a walk break!

During a trail race in February (so fun!), I learned I can run 3+ miles non-stop; that’s the first time I’d ever run more than one mile without walking to catch my breath. That’s a huge deal for this asthmatic runner. I did four half-marathons last year but there were plenty of walk breaks involved. Lest I think that was just a fluke, last weekend I ran a local 5k road race and did it again! I can’t do that every day, because asthma, but now in my regular ol’ neighborhood runs I’m trying to learn what pace I can maintain without making my lungs refuse to cooperate. Pollen/allergies factor into that at the moment but I’m not complaining because I’m so happy it’s finally warming up!

4- Grandkids make the BEST cheerleaders!

I crossed the finish line of that little 5k just a hair before my son (in-law) while Lindsey and the babies stood cheering by the finish line. I wish I had a video of Annabelle jumping up and down!!!

5k race fun

Related: if you come out to cheer along the runners WHILE DRESSED IN A SHARK COSTUME, you will help create epic mid-race selfies.

5- I should’ve made a longer index in the front of my bullet journal.

I’ll figure out a way to add in some pages (suggestions welcome!) but it’s my first year actively using a bullet journal so it’s a learning thing. I haven’t (yet) become one of those folks to take my bullet journal everywhere but has proven handy. I’m keeping my “what I learned” lists for each month in it, as well as task lists, brainstorming and goals for homeschool and work, a fitness log, a book list, and a bird-sighting list.

6- Dense breasts are harder to assess with traditional mammogram.

I’m finally getting around to all those appointments I’ve postponed for way too long. Like my first mammogram. Guess what: I have D’s! Kathryn and I cracked up about that because I’m very small-chested so that’s the only way I’ll ever have D anything in that department!

Anyway, breast density is rated on a scale of A to D, with A being least dense and most fatty (which is apparently a good thing) and D being the most dense. Thankfully, our local hospital uses 3D mammogram technology alongside traditional 2D scanning, so it’s easier for radiologists to read and that meant I didn’t have to go back for more scans to get the all-clear.

What have YOU learned lately? I’d love to know! Leave me a comment below.

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