Practicing Gratitude: Gifts 551- 575
Have you started counting yet?
551) yummy smelling candles
552) finally cooler weather again
553) my cozy wrap
554) Space heaters…
555) …especially when I get out of the shower!
556) crossword puzzles
557) cranberry scones
558) walks with my husband
559) today’s all-day photography lighting workshop (taught by Joe McNally)
560) doing things like 559 with my husband
561) double-date with friends
562) two great family sessions this weekend
563) good excuse (see above) & perfect weather to spend time outdoors
564) happy clients
565) my weekly grocery-shopping helper Kathryn
566) Pushing through creative block…
567) to complete a wedding album design.
568) our mostly bedridden friend got out & about today
569) Kathryn enjoyed being “mother’s helper” for our friend Tina
570) time with my husband
571) Our new dual-alarm clock…
572) …that actually picks up radio stations.
573) sidewalks
574) not having to be right all the time
575) My 10-year-old still lets me lie down with her a few minutes each night at bedtime — and sometimes that’s when we have the best talks.
Wife, mom, J-ma. Introvert who enjoys good books, sunshine, and authentic conversation. Often seen with a steaming mug of tea in hand – unless it’s lost yet again in the microwave. Read more »