Adoption finalization is just the beginning
For the past six months, these children have lived in my home, and for nearly that long they have called me Mama. Today we finalized their adoption. That’s the end of our foster-adoption process, but this is only the beginning of more than a dozen more years of parenting.
{at the courthouse today}
Adoption Day
My mom took the afternoon off work and rode along with us, and we all went out for pizza before heading to the courthouse. Our adorably pregnant caseworker managed to keep that baby in her belly so she could be there today. (She’s due in 3 weeks, so we weren’t sure!)
All was said in done in the courtroom in a matter of minutes. The judge seemed impressed I could give him a succinct answer of what adoption means: In the eyes of the law, it is as if I gave birth to them.
We didn’t make a big deal out of today because as far as the kids are concerned, we were already their forever family when they moved in. For them, today was just about getting papers with their new name on it. We’ve given them new middle names with meaning to us, and they’ll keep the first names given to them by their first mom. (We say “first mom” instead “birth mom” because it makes more sense to them).
A joyful day, but…
Today is a joyful day for our family, but I grieve, too. I grieve for the family that should’ve been, if this wasn’t such a fallen world: their first family. I grieve for the children in advance, as I know their little hearts will have big questions to wrestle with in the coming years as they reach new levels of comprehension about all of this.
I’m not as naive as I once was. I’ve learned it’s only God who can heal their hearts. I can only pray He will use me in the process, and that I’ll be able to show them what it looks like to trust Him through all life brings. I pray I can lead them to Him, but stay out of His way to work in their lives. Parenting is tricky business, and even more so in the messiness of adoption.
The road less traveled
As a friend of mine once something that has shown itself to be true in my life: when our lives look exactly like we imagined, we’re probably not following God’s will, but our own instead. This road the Lord has me on is not what I thought I’d have chosen, but here I am: Mama to two more little people. And I am blessed. Even when it’s hard. Maybe even especially when it’s hard. (But I tend to forget that in the midst of it.)
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Wife, mom, J-ma. Introvert who enjoys good books, sunshine, and authentic conversation. Often seen with a steaming mug of tea in hand – unless it’s lost yet again in the microwave. Read more »
This is such a thrilling day for you all! Jem’s face is so funny in the photo! As adoptive parents, we can echo what you say about their hearts wrestling with their adoption in the future, but I trust they will realize that this has been God’s way of blessing them.
Congratulations on adding to your family. If it wasn’t for my mother-in-law adopting my husband from an orphanage I doubt he’d be the man he is today. He was an older child at 7yrs old and subjected to physical abuse, thanks to her and God’s grace, he’s fully recovered and is the best father and husband I could’ve asked for. Our prayers are with you and your new blessings.
These are wonderful news and I rejoice with you. And praising God for what He has done through you. Even if this is the road less traveled, it is also the road with the more blessings along the way. And it is not about the destination but the voyage anyways.
Blessings to all of you.
Congrats! Wow, that was fast! We’ve had our foster son for almost 14 months and we are barely starting the adoption process. Now we have to negotiate his adoption subsidy which is stressful. I’m glad things are going well for you!
So happy for your family! What a blessing for them to become part of such a loving, supportive family. I have loved reading about your adoption process and pray that God will continue bless you all.
I love you.
What Stephanie said… XXOO
We did the same 7 years ago. We took custody of a baby boy and thirty days later his older sister.
It’s such a wonderful blessing!
Congratulations!…You have such a beautiful family. I’m always encouraged by your blogging. Thanks for sharing your family with us.
Those kids are so cute!! Congratulations!
I have never heard the quote you shared. Those are powerful words. Thank you for sharing all you do, for we get to share in your joy.
Congratulations! The children and beautiful and I’m so glad to read that it is all official! You guys are the hands and feet of the Lord to them. May you be blessed with an extra measure of patience and grace :-).
Congratulations to you all! A quote from another Jamie, also an adoptive mom, seemed to fit here: “We look at adoption as a very sacred exchange…” (Jamie Lee Curtis). May God hold every precious heart connected with this moment. Forever.
What a blessing for s sweet family!
So wonderful to have watched this journey with you and to see the excitement on their faces. What a comfort that must be to them to have a “real forever” family. It’s beautiful!!!
Congratulations! So excited for your family. Praying for you all.
This is beautiful! Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your journey.
Yes!!! Happy tears!
Congratulations! We are just beginning the whole foster-adopt process.
Wow, a very heartwarming story! That’s really amazing. This is a good testimony that God’s plan is really wonderful! May your journey as a new family always be blessed today and the many years to come! 🙂 So happy for you… CONGRATS!
Beautiful- Our oldest son was finalized in June while we are still waiting for our youngest to be finalized. They were also fost-adopt and are such blessings in our lives! I never grow weary of telling the story of our miracle adoption! God bless your family <3