
Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival

It’s been a while since I’ve hosted the Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival, but I’m delighted to do so again!

Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival

Ever end up teaching your kids a subject you never imagined you’d teach? {Funny how that happens in homeschooling, huh?} Angela at Joyous Lessons is doing just that: “Change of Plans: German!”

Another post at Joyous Lessons, but this time from Celeste: “Part V: The Matter and Method of Lessons.”

Nancy at Sage Parnassus talks about what keeps her from homeschool mom burn-out in “A Sharing of the Effort to Know.”

Learning at Sage Parnassus

Body language is powerful. Shirley shares about it in “Help a Child Change His Attitude by Changing His Body Posture” at Lifetime Books and Gifts.

Carol discusses a few books for the moms in “Mother Culture and the Tasting of Books” at Journey and Destination.

How do we decide what our kids should — or shouldn’t — read? Is twaddle really all that bad? Emily and Liz share “More Hard Thinking about Easy Reading” at Living Book Library.

Amy at Fisher Academy explores “Shakespeare: King Lear” with her family, and is excited about getting in-depth with it!

King Lear at Fisher Academy

For any home educating parent who feels like the kids just aren’t “getting it,” particularly in regards to the art of narration, Sarah offers encouragement: “The Best Work is Not Visible” at All That’s Goood.

Did you know it’s possible to harvest fog? And what does that have to do with poetry? Read Bonnie’s post to find out:  “Harvesting” at Child Light USA.

I’d never heard of Google Art Project until Barb at Harmony Arts shared about it. See how she makes use of this nifty online resource in “Using Google Art Project for Artist Study.”

I heart every single art project the Hodgepodge crew does. {I wonder if Nana would adopt me?} This fun holiday pastel project is just as fabulous as the rest of them: “Christmas Star Chalk Pastel” from Tricia at Hodgepodge.

pastels tutorial from Hodgepodge

CM Principle #20 states, “We allow no separation to grow up between the intellectual and ‘spiritual’ life of children…” In this post, Nebby explores how the divine fits into the education of our children: “What does the Bible say about educating children? (part 2)” from Letters from Nebby.

Catherine writes about the same principle, focusing on creating (and seizing) opportunities to discuss matters of faith with her children: “Creating a Spiritual Atmosphere in your Homeschool” at Grace to Abide.

Sylvia discusses what type of heritage she wants to create for her family, thanks in large part to the Charlotte Mason style of homeschooling: Heritage at Homeschooling in a Bilingual Home.

Thanks for all who contributed to this edition of the Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival, and for all of you who read it! Please submit your entries for the next CM Carnival to Amy: charlottemasonblogs [at] gmail [dot] com. Any post about Charlotte Mason-style homeschooling is welcome.

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Barb-Harmony Art Mom

Looks great Jamie. I am looking forward to having time later today to read the entries. Thanks for hosting the carnival.


Wonderful carnival! Thanks Jamie.

Nancy from Sage Parnassus

Dear Jamie,
I’m so glad you decided to host once again! This looks so clear and smooth with fantastic content. I love your style! I’ll update my button link at Sage Parnassus and let the gals over at Charlotte Mason on the Prairie know about it, too.

From joy to joy,


Thanks for hosting, Jamie. Looks great.


Thanks for hosting! Looks like a great group of articles!


Thanks for setting everything out so clearly!

amy in peru

yay! i’m finally getting over here to comment… add another thanks for hosting!