Fall fitness goals
As a way to monitor my own progress and stay focused on my priorities, I periodically sit down and write out my goals. I do this for my reading list, homeschooling, fitness, and for life in general. I like to look at big-picture “someday” goals but I try to keep my focus to a year or less.
My focus often changes from one season to another: a season of life, or sometimes a literal season because some things just make more sense in one season or another. For instance, cooler weather and fewer tourists make homeschool field trips more enjoyable this time of year than in the heat of summer, so I spent some time recently planning those. Also, fall = all things pumpkin. (mmmm, pumpkin… )
4 at 44: Goal completed!
On Saturday, I ran my fourth half marathon in less than a year, and I completed it at the age of 44. I don’t love math but I do love nifty numbers, so 4 at 44 felt satisfying. My 1st half marathon still ranks as my favorite so far, but any race I finish is a good one so I’m not complaining.
At church Sunday, someone who knew I’d run the race the day before said, “I can’t believe you’re even walking after that; I can’t run to the mailbox!” I told her I started running less than two years ago; in school I was the kid who was glad to get shin splints so I could have a doctor’s note to get out of running in PE class! It’s all about motivation, and back then I didn’t have a why.
Now that I’ve accomplished this goal, it’s time to set new goals.
Personal training & group fitness goals
My fitness goals get mixed up with professional goals because they’re so intertwined. Twice a week, I teach a fitness class for active seniors. This class has great attendance and I’m delighted with how it’s going. My goal for this class is to dedicate time each week to developing new routines and finding new music to keep things interesting. In my other, brand new higher-intensity class, attendance is still low but I’m brainstorming ways to help it grow.
This month, I started personal training for the first time since we moved. Building my client base will be slow but I’m entirely ok with that since I can work it around the rest of my life as mom and homeschooler.
As a fitness trainer/instructor, I’m continually learning. Nobody — literally no body — is exactly the same, and I like the challenge of working with different people because the more I learn, the more I can help others. I read fitness articles, do continuing ed, and talk to other trainers on how they do things, but applying all that knowledge to actual humans is essential.
My own personal fitness goals
Key goals for the next few months:
1) Modify my workout schedule.
2) Train for kettlebell certification.
3) Get upside down!
Over the summer, my basic weekly schedule included 3-4 days running and two days strength training. Running isn’t off my radar, but it’s dropping a couple of notches so I can focus on strength training. Now I’ll switch to three strength training days each week, yoga 1-2 days, and short(ish) runs probably 1-2 days/week depending on the weather.
I enjoy variety in my workouts but kettlebells continue to be my favorite because they can give anyone a serious full-body workout. And frankly, because they make me feel like a bad@$$, which is a fun feeling after 40+ years of the opposite. I’m aiming for a particular kettlebell certification next year that requires passing a physically challenging test including a few skills I have not yet mastered. Now that I can focus on strength training without worry that I’ll overdo it before a long run day, I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of progress I’ll make.
Just for fun, I’m planning to work on handstands and other inversions. Long-term, I’m already looking at other fitness certifications, some specific strength goals (like pull-ups!), and I’m eyeing a few races late next year and beyond.
What about you? Are you trying to eat more veggies or drink more water? Working on making time for regular workouts or maybe training for a particular race? I’d love to hear about your current health/fitness goals!

Wife, mom, J-ma. Introvert who enjoys good books, sunshine, and authentic conversation. Often seen with a steaming mug of tea in hand – unless it’s lost yet again in the microwave. Read more »