Today is my birthday. I’m 42.
Forty-two is a good age. Frankly, I wouldn’t want to go back to any other age. I’m not chomping at the bit to hit the next few decades, but I’ll make a point of appreciating those years when I get there. I believe the more we find to celebrate in our lives, the more joy we’ll find in living, no matter what our age.
A few random highlights of my 42nd year:
- I celebrated ten years of marriage to the best guy I know.
- I’m happily anticipating grandmotherhood, just around the corner!
- I launched a new career as a fitness trainer.
- I survived Piper’s puppyhood and was rewarded with a loyal sweetheart.
- I’m stronger physically than I’ve ever been, and maybe mentally, too.
- I’m getting better at speaking my mind. {I aspire to have Lady Violet’s spunk.}
Let’s celebrate together!
>> Here’s what I’d love as a birthday present from YOU: tell me something you appreciate about your life at the age you are right now.

Wife, mom, J-ma. Introvert who enjoys good books, sunshine, and authentic conversation. Often seen with a steaming mug of tea in hand – unless it’s lost yet again in the microwave. Read more »
Happy birthday my spunky, fearless friend! I hope your day is FABulous!!
I’m 36, and I feel more grateful than ever. The older I get, the more I realize how precious this life is.
Happy birthday! Our ages are exactly numerically reversed, but I feel the same way: this is a good age to be. I have outgrown adolescence, teenage angst and newly-living-alone chaos, and am starting to grow into my adult self. There are lots of things I want to do with my life, but I have potentially another sixty years to do them in, so right now I am appreciating the life I have right now. I love that you say you are maybe stronger mentally than you have ever been. That is perhaps one of the most important things a person… Read more »
Happy birthday friend!! I appreciate being able to keep learning. Not just book knowledge, but knowledge of God and myself.
I just turned 46. I’m thrilled to be much more comfortable speaking my mind these days. I speak up about injustice. I jump in and offer help instead of walking by and ignoring things. I ask for what I want. I ask others what they want from me. All of this is on a continuum. I’m not completely where I want to be. But, I’ve come a long way, baby.
Also (inspired by Momastery) my super power is looking like a hot mess so that others can feel better about themselves. 😉
Forgot to say: Happy Birthday!! Sounds like it is one of the best ever.
Happy birthday! You’ve had such an awesome year. Praying for many blessings in the year and years to come!
I’ll be 24 next month, and I love that I’ve already been married for four years and I’m still going to be a relatively young first-time mother. I’m finally feeling comfortable in adulthood, but I still have a lot of years of being “young” left ahead of me. I’m more confident in who I am, stronger in my faith than I’ve ever been, but I still have a lot of room to grow. It’s a good time of life!
Happy Birthday!! I’ll hit 43 in a month and one thing I appreciate about my age/life right now is that I find myself saying “I don’t care” more than I used to – and I mean that in a good way. As in, I’m more comfortable in my own skin now, not worrying if I’m “keeping up” with anyone else – in my homeschooling, my decorating, my parenting, whatever. (Not that I don’t still have moments – as the song says…..”He’s still working on me!” ) AND learning along with Hannah at age 42 – things I never remember learning… Read more »