
Homeschool: Getting back in the groove!

weekly report

We’ve been easing back into homeschooling. We didn’t take off entirely over the summer, but things were much lighter and less structured, so we’re trying to get back into the swing of things now.

I can’t say I’m enthralled with our U.S. history curriculum just yet, but I think it’ll work just fine with less of what I consider non-necessary work like writing out vocabulary definitions. Lindsey is doing hers without complaint, and I’m reading the text aloud to Kathryn since that helps her get through the drier bits. To go along with their studies, the girls are both reading historical literature: Calico Bush for Lindsey, and Little Town on the Prairie for Kathryn.

I made my little bookworm a very happy girl when we stopped by the library on the way home from taking Lindsey to work.

library girl

Enrichment classes started this week. Kathryn was super-excited but Lindsey didn’t seem too enthusiastic. I was praying the first day would go well, and when I picked the girls up, they were both eager to tell me all about how great their classes are and how much fun they had. One of Lindsey’s buddies from her brief stint in a hybrid school is in her Bible class, and they’re already making plans to hang out soon. Kathryn’s friend from LEGO class is in her class again this year. Kathryn and Lindsey had a great time in knitting class together and Lindsey said she’s glad they are taking that class so they can have sister-time. As soon as they finished lunch after we got home, they both started practicing what they’d learned in knitting.

knitting cast on

Kathryn began KidCoder, computer programming for kids. She’s not far enough into yet to tell how she’ll like it, but it’s a subject that interests her, so I think she’ll enjoy it. With her help, I’ll share a detailed review of this program in a few months, after we’ve used it a while.

I’ve been reading about unschooling. I once thought it was just a total free-for-all, do-nothing, get-out-of-school-free, not-really-homeschooling style of homeschooling. {And evidently I really like hyphens.} It’s definitely NOT that. I feel a whole post about this coming soon, but for now, I’m reevaluating how we’re doing some things. I’ve been doing this too long to have rose-colored glasses about how our homeschool days should go, but when I see true exasperation in my kids in certain areas, that means some changes are needed.

As part of this re-evaluation of what we’re doing, I asked Kathryn to make a list of things she’d like to learn about this year. {An idea borrowed from Joan’s unschooling curriculum post.} Kathryn immediately went to the table, grabbed a piece of notebook paper, and quickly came up with a full-page list.

A few subjects on Kathryn’s list:

  • Astronomy
  • piano
  • cursive
  • photography
  • painting
  • dog anatomy
  • how to do simple sewing stuff like hemming and eventually using a sewing machine

One of the things on Kathryn’s list was learning “regular” cursive, since she likes how it looks better than the cursive italic she learned a few years ago. For now, I just printed some handwriting worksheets for her, and she set to work.


I’ll do this list-making with Lindsey soon, too, but I’m pretty sure she’ll have a harder time giving me a list since she still “hates school.” Really, she hates math, and thinks of some other subjects as boring. I still haven’t convinced her that things like art and knitting and Bible and “fun” things are also school. But she’s been reaping the benefits of homeschooling, and her views are changing a little. She can sleep later than her public school friends; she can start working in the afternoon while they’re still in school, and we can modify what we’re doing in regards to certain subjects. Besides, can you roll your chair to the fridge to get a glass of milk in public school? 😉

rolling chair

Ah, life as a homeschooler…

Linking today with:
– iHN’s Homeschool Mother’s Journal
– Kris’ Weekly Wrap-Up
– Mary’s Collage Friday
– Rachel’s friday favorite things

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Oh, Calico Bush is my all time favorite book! My daughter used it for a literature fair and learned to knit and quilt as part of the project — I also learned to knit with her at that time, and it was such fun!

Glad you are getting back into the groove of things – looks like it’s going well. Thanks for linking!


I love how you shared their classes and their reactions. I’d love to find something like that for my crew. Have a great year!


Your oldest daughter sounds SO MUCH like my second oldest. She’s a “senior” this year but really does “hate school”. We’re still trying to help her find her groove! haha!


Can I just say I am so glad I found this blog? We’re at completely different stages in life (I’ve been married almost 8 months and will have our first baby before the end of the year), but I feel like we are kindred spirits. I love reading your posts and hearing about your life. I’m learning all these wonderful tips and tricks that I hope I can use someday in the future.

Eddie - The Usual Mayhem

Regarding the unschooling, if you haven’t reading “The Unschooling Handbook”, you’re missing a treat. It gave me a great picture of how unschooling works for a family. I don’t unschool myself (anti-homeschooling province, must have documentation and curricula), but I have great respect for the method.

We’re going the opposite way with handwriting – after learning (and hating) standard cursive, M has asked to start an italic handwriting program this fall. 🙂


Oooh, I can’t wait to read the upcoming post!! And thank you so much for the kind shout-out; I’m so glad that gave you a stepping stone to talking about what the girls love!

Sarah is much like your girls in a lot of ways – she tends to be reluctant to want to go TO certain activities, but when she’s there, she comes home thrilled, often! (Our recent trip to a LEGO camp of our own was like that – now she’s LOVING the thought of going back!)

Phyllis at All Things Beautiful

I am always amazed at their lists when kids are asked to write down what they want to learn.


It sounds like a good week. The enrichment classes sound like a big hit.

Have a great weekend!

kelli- AdventurezInChildRearing

I have a certain dvd to find before they will allow us back in the library – lol – *sigh – our free library always costs me a bundle! We’re getting started slow and easy as well – enjoy!

Jessy at Our Side of the Mountain

It’s refreshing to read a blog where the Mama mentions that their child doesn’t like school. I know – sounds kinda strange, right? but it seems that everyone blogs about how their children LOVE LOVE school and can’t wait to delve into their assignments every day. Now, I now that SOME kids are like this, but I think just as many aren’t. And mine are “aren’t”. They don’t hate school, but many of the things they study they would rather they didn’t…math, grammar, SPELLING, writing. I do try my hardest to choose curriculum and activities that make learning these things… Read more »


So sweet that your girls are glad to have a class together for some sister time. Knitting is such a fun activity to learn too. There are some aspects of unschooling that I find very appealing, although this year is going to be our most structured we’ve had in a long time. So far so good!

Patty Rose

I love that you are looking into what your kids want to learn. Even though we try to make it fun, doing the same things each day can get a little boring! I can’t wait to see how this adventure continues.

Giggly Girls

Oooh Calico Bush is an awesome! We loved it.

I love that your girls were excited about sister time!


I too am glad that to hear about other children that don’t enjoy school. I have written a couple of times about my daughter that really hates school. Nothing interests her unless it has to do with fine arts (drama, singing, performing, art). I am really looking forward to your post about unschooling. We are trying some very relaxed/unschooling methods this year and would love to hear how other families will be do it.


Great post, Jamie!
I bet Lindsey’s views will change as she continues to homeschool:) Especially as she has more input into what she wants to learn! It’s hard to see fun things or practical things as “school” when you’ve been in a traditional school setting for a while. Love that you are asking your girls what they want to learn!!


Loved this post! I also read The Unschooling Handbook, and I’m so glad I did. We aren’t unschoolers, but I do like to take time out and give my boys a chance to pick what they what they want to work on and explore that. Sometimes it’s a specific animal (they like learning about extinct species, why they became extinct, etc), astronomy, movie making (they watched a documentary on the LoTR trilogy and were very interested about the make up and the special effects)…just whatever they feel motivated to learn about. The Unschooling Handbook helped me to realize that success… Read more »