Ken’s Mexico Mission Trip
Last week my awesome husband was in Mexico on a men’s mission trip with a group from our church. He returned last night and I was soooooo glad to see him!
The goal of the trip was to build new homes for two families, to host a festival at the local church on the last day, and to go out into the community to invite people to this festival, in hopes that they will become involved at the church and hear the gospel of Christ.
Ken took this shot of the village they worked in…
The crew of guys working on one of the new homes…
Tom, the trip leader, twittered a few photos during the trip, so I snagged this one with Ken (in the middle). He said he was laughing because he was slipping and sliding in the mud.
I’m so proud of Ken for going on this trip, and for having such a heart for missions. When we returned from Africa last year, we were so impacted by the trip that we decided to set a goal of going on at least one mission trip each year. We knew it might not work for both of us to go every time, especially since we have school-age kids, but one or the other of us could go. This trip is one of the less expensive trips our church does, and only required Ken to be gone five days.
I’m also proud of the example Ken is setting for our children. The high-schoolers at church go to this same area for an annual mission trip, and Ken is hoping his schedule will allow him to go on that trip as a chaperone. Lindsey is really looking forward to the trip, and even wants her dad to come along! She told me this week that since she decided to trust God (on a middle school mission trip), she is ready and eager to see what He will do.

Wife, mom, J-ma. Introvert who enjoys good books, sunshine, and authentic conversation. Often seen with a steaming mug of tea in hand – unless it’s lost yet again in the microwave. Read more »
That’s so awesome! I praise God that you and your family, as well as your church, have such a heart for missions.
Just look at all the water and mud there. Was that due to a recent flooding or is that normal for that part of Mexico?
What a fantastic example for your kids! When I was growing up, it was always the high school youth group that went on Mission Trips. There were never adult trips. I really grew up thinking of missions as something done by “foreign missionaries” or youth groups. I hope that our entire family can soon participate in local and distant missions together. ~K
Mission trips are something I’d like to do more of. A few weeks after Katrina, I went with a small group from our church to Ocean Springs, MS, to help with clean-up. I saw things I’ve never seen before or since; it really made a difference in my life.
What village did your husband travel to? I am using this as part of a homeschool lesson for my son . We do pretend field-trips to other countries as part of our Geography curriculum. Thank you! 🙂
I believe it was called Matadores.