Summary of 4th Grade
My state requires that I write an annual “progress report” at the end of each school year to keep on file for at least three years. This is in addition to standardized testing at least every three years (we do it each year), monthly attendance reports, and filing an annual “declaration of intent” to homeschool. I’ve never seen anyone else’s progress reports, so I honestly have no idea what these are suppose to look like. I’ve also never heard of anyone who had to actually turn them in, so I write these up primarily for my own records. Because someone else may benefit from seeing what I’ve come up with, I’m sharing…
Kathryn’s 4th Grade School Year
Art –Basic drawing skills practice, plus occasional painting projects.
Chess – Participation in a group class helped Kathryn improve her skills.
Drama – Performed in a community theater production of “Little Women”
Our Bible study consisted of daily devotions, daily readings, keeping a Bible notebook, and working on scripture memorization. Kathryn worked through a study of Christian character traits as well.
Using a literature-based curriculum, we studied early American history. This included exploring the cultures of the Native Americans, and learning about colonial America, the American Revolution, pioneers, and Lewis and Clark. She kept a timeline “Book of History” to track events and see where they fell in the overall timeframe of history. Using maps and several written and online sources, Kathryn also studied individual states and U.S. Geography.
Reading God’s World News magazine provided current events around the world.
Kathryn studied biology this year: basic cell structure, the biospheres, trees, plants, birds, humans, reptiles, insects and water creatures using Christian Kids Explore Biology. She also learned to define vocabulary words in context through her work in a science notebook.
We continued our ongoing study of nature through weekly studies and nature journaling.
Three great field trips also provided more experiential learning about animals and biology: the Georgia Aquarium, the Atlanta Zoo, and to a presentation about honeybees.
House and garden work, crafts and sewing, and helping with preparing and cooking meals allowed Kathryn to learn a great deal of life skills and home economics.
Using Horizons 4 as our text, Kathryn studied the following concepts: multiplication of 2-digit times 2-digit with carrying; division with 2-digit divisor and quotient; addition/subtraction of unlike fractions; pre-algebra concepts and equations; ratios, graphing, and geometry concepts. Though this subject is her most frustrating, she is very good at mathematics and can do quite complicated problems in her head.
Kathryn did daily copywork and handwriting, as well as grammar and vocabulary exercises using Wordly Wise 3000 and other resources. This year, she worked more on composition and creative writing skills. I continue to be impressed with her use of vocabulary, her use of punctuation and general language skills. This shows me that the reading of good quality literature naturally teaches these things more effectively than any workbook.
Naya Nuki – Kenneth Thomasma
Regina Silsby’s Secret War – Thomas Brodeur
The Tinker’s Daughter – Wendy Lawton
Fever 1793 – Laurie Halse Anderson
Blood on the River – Elisa Carbone
The Captain’s Dog – Roland Smith
The Captive Princess – Wendy Lawton
The Ballad of Lucy Whipple – Karen Cushman
All Sail Set – Armstrong Perry
Jip: His Story – Katherine Paterson
Indian Captive – Lois Lenski
Bandit’s Moon – Sid Fleischman
Almost Home – Wendy Lawton
The Sign of the Beaver – Elizabeth G. Speare
Calico Captive – Elizabeth George Speare
Madeleine Takes Command – Ethel Brill
Additional Free Reading:
All 7 books in Chronicles of Narnia – C.S. Lewis
The Wonder Clock – Howard Pyle
Bronze Bow – Elizabeth George Speare
Journey to the Center of the Earth – Jules Verne
Clara Barton: Courage Under Fire – Geoffe Benge
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Writing this report is always rather difficult, but once I’ve done it, I feel so accomplished! We really did do something this year, even when it felt like we were behind or we didn’t do all the grand things I’d hoped to do.
Since Lindsey will be in public school next year, I had to write up a transcript for her. I’ll share more about that later.
Do you write a year-end summary for each homeschool year?
Wife, mom, J-ma. Introvert who enjoys good books, sunshine, and authentic conversation. Often seen with a steaming mug of tea in hand – unless it’s lost yet again in the microwave. Read more »
I did something similar to this at the end of our Pre-K/K year. It isn’t required here in our State, but I had fun looking back over the year. I don’t know if I will do one this year or not.
It looks like you had a good year!
I keep portfolios and summarize for each trimester. This was because I withdrew Lilah in January. Next year I will do a yearly portfolio for each of my girls and a summer one that focuses just on our project based learning that they take up independently.
Great job Jamie! I always wondered what a Year End Progress Report was supposed to look like. I am a slacker – my progress report consists of a bank box for each year filled with all the kids work, lesson plans, field trip info and sample artwork plus, extra-curricular activities. I figured with that much info if I ever needed to formally right up a progress report I could pull something together. 🙂
Ok…we live in GA, too and I was not aware of this requirement!!! I am headed to the DOE site to look into it, though.
What a spectacular fourth grade year!
We live in Texas and there are no state requirements for records but this is a good way to know exactly what you covered for the year…. at the beginning of every school year I have to sit down and say “Now what did we do last year” 😉 Maybe I should try this next year….
Wow! What an awesome year you had! I just loved reading your literature book list. So many wonderful books! I will have to keep this in mind to do for us next year. I definitely need to keep track of all the books the kids read. Thanks for sharing this!
I can see why it makes you feel good to read it afterward and to see all that you and your children accomplished! I’m wondering, does it also make you feel a pinch tired? 🙂
Thanks so much for sharing this! We’re nearing the end of our first homeschool year in Georgia, so I will create formal progress reports for the first time. I had planned more of a narrative format, but I think I like yours bettr. 🙂 ~K