Weekly Wrap-Up: Done!
Pardon me while I do the happy dance — because this week concludes our school year! Woohoo!
Next week I plan to post sort of a yearly wrap-up to help me figure out what we did well, and what we need to change.
Kathryn provided our handiwork this week; she is making friendship bracelets for her step-mom’s friend who is a missionary and will be traveling to Sudan in July. Kathryn showed us how to make them, and we all enjoyed sitting in the living room, chatting or listening to music while we wove them. We talked again about how nice it would be to have a “friendly loom,” which we learned about earlier in the year on a field trip about pioneer arts and crafts.
The girls have both been playing with cameras more often lately, and beginning to learn how to make photographs using manual camera settings. Visit Lindsey’s blog and Kathryn’s blog to see how that’s been going. (Kathryn’s “Spring” post was done entirely on manual!) Kathryn asked what subjects that would count for, and we decided that photography would count as art, math, and even a bit of science.
So this week, the girls did math and copywork as usual, finished up their geography/travel journals, and worked on their Bible notebooks. Coming up with notebook pages for the book of Leviticus or Numbers is challenging, but they’ve done well. (I really need to share more of their pages soon!) Oh, and to answer a recent question, we are not using any Bible curriculum right now; we are simply reading (aloud) through the Bible chronologically, and the girls make notebook pages to help them remember what we’ve been learning. The idea comes from Heart of Wisdom. I’m still praying/considering how we might incorporate more of the HOW approach next year.
This is definitely a shorter wrap-up than usual, but my brain is on about 100 other things right now, so please forgive me!

Wife, mom, J-ma. Introvert who enjoys good books, sunshine, and authentic conversation. Often seen with a steaming mug of tea in hand – unless it’s lost yet again in the microwave. Read more »
My girls love making friendship bracelets, too. Congrats on finishing up!
.-= Ellen´s last blog ..Weekly Wrap-Up: Winding Down the Year =-.
Woo hoo!! We’re done, too! I’m so excited.
.-= Kris @ Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers´s last blog ..Weekly Wrap-Up: The One Where I Do a Cartwheel =-.
Congrats on finishing up the year! I know it has had its ups and downs. I hope you have a wonderful summer!
.-= Dana´s last blog ..3D Drawing with Mark Kistler…LIVE! =-.