Meet our homeschool crew
We’ve spent this week easing into our homeschool routine. I’m not the mom who decorates the house and makes a special breakfast or whatever on the first day of the homeschool year. If you’re also Not-That-Mom, welcome, friend!
But if you are That Mom, you’re welcome here too — as long as you promise not to tell my kids about your fun-making ways because I need to keep the bar low, y’all. Having a low-key mom like me has its pros and cons; I’m not the most fun but the kids says I’m great at organizing things, so there’s that.
In case you’re new here, let me give you a brief introduction to this year’s cast of characters. As you’ve already figured out, I’m the mom around here. This is my 15th year homeschooling, and it’s looked different every year.
I should mention that my girl is wearing skates in this photo so she’s not actually this much taller than her brother. Remember Tootie from Facts of Life? Welcome to my life right now.
Two middle-school learners:
My 6th (ish) grade boy, age 11, has been homeschooling since kindergarten. He loves to build things, mostly with LEGOs. He continues to be somewhat obsessed with anything with motors: cars (especially fast ones), trucks, motorcycles, boats, tractors… you name it. Recently he has discovered the show Forged in Fire and wants to learn blacksmithing. Thanks to really good audiobooks over the past few years, his interest in books took off and so did his reading. His writing/language skills need some work so we’re being more intentional about that this year.
My 7th grade girl, age 13, enjoys reading and writing. This summer she’s been learning to crochet, and is working on improving her drawing skills. If she could, she’d probably do one or the other while practicing on her new inline skates. She always has been a girl who needs to stay busy. Those new hobbies, especially crocheting, seem to be helping immensely.
She has attended public school, has homeschooled, has attended private school, and is now back to homeschooling — partly but not entirely due to pandemic weirdness.
See what what we have planned for this homeschool year:
The dogs:
Daisy, front and center in the above photo, has been a key player in my blog almost from day one. We joke that she’s so darn smart because she was homeschooled. Now she’s 13 (and 1/2) and does what she wants because she’s earned it. In her younger years that included running fast. These days it’s mostly napping and snacking.
Piper, aka Bat Dog, is the worst best dog ever. Or the best worst dog ever? Regardless, we love her and she’s awesome, except when she’s not. This is the same dog who [almost] ate my blog, but she’s also my biggest buddy and constant shadow.
My college girl:
My oldest-at-home started college last week. She homeschooled since kindergarten, all the way through. Although I’m no longer in charge of Kathryn’s education, I admit to high-fiving myself more than once about her being accepted into college and even qualifying for a scholarship for students in our county. She took a year off after graduating so she could work, save money, and figure out what she wanted to do; she’s living here at home and taking a break from working so she can focus on her studies.
She’s doing a 2-year associates degree in cosmetology, so in addition to cosmetology courses, she’ll also be taking courses in writing, psychology, business, and more. Her salon/lab classes are in person (with masks in a class of just 8 students) and she’s doing all other courses online.
Throughout the year I’ll be sharing homeschool highlights and various things that are or aren’t working for us. I’ll also share about how we make homeschooling work with my schedule as a working mom. If there’s anything in particular you’d find interesting or helpful, let me know and I’ll try to share about that too.
Wife, mom, J-ma. Introvert who enjoys good books, sunshine, and authentic conversation. Often seen with a steaming mug of tea in hand – unless it’s lost yet again in the microwave. Read more »
I am not that homeschool mom either. Special days are not my gift. My strengths are decidedly other things 🙂 But it’s funny/weird/sad that after 16 yrs homeschooling/21 years parenting I still feel insecure about the things I’m not good at compared to other moms!!
I think what makes it hard for me is that my kids, at least the younger two, would love if I was that mom!
I’m definitely NOT “that mom” (still trying to figure out how some people do it!)…but I try to make up for it in other ways! My kiddos both have special needs, so I feel like I’m constantly running around or knocking down doors to get the help they need (especially youngest). It’s exhausting by itself…but they are finally to the point of independence where I’ve gotten to dust off my beloved Kindle and am hoping to READ this fall :)!
Hurray for time to read! I hope you get lots of that. 🙂