Week-end: links & life {vol. 22}
“To become a real boy you must prove yourself brave, truthful, and unselfish.” – from Pinnochio
Last weekend Ken set up the portable studio in our living room, and this image was my favorite.
from around the web
- How parents underestimate kids’ ability to do chores :: I’m guilty; many times I’d rather just do the chores myself than deal with teaching or overseeing the kids doing them — but that isn’t doing them or me any favors.
- Adoption doesn’t “fix” kids :: Because kids aren’t a problem to be fixed and adoption issues are complex.
- 8 things happy people do every morning :: Want better days? Try these ideas.
- Pink shuts down body shamers with positive message :: She handled this perfectly and now I like her even more. (Plus, she’s my hair idol.)
- The Moral Bucket List :: Thought-provoking post. Though I don’t agree with having to work to save our own souls, I really appreciate his insight here.
Kevin Swan is a driving force behind ALS research and awareness. This brief video is powerful.
on the blog (in case you missed ’em):
- Dog obedience training graduate!
- Keeping families connected anywhere (plus a $100 giveaway!)
right here at home
This is yet another time in life when I’m thankful for the flexibility of homeschooling. We can modify our schedule to work for everyone — even me. I’m working with a mentor-trainer a few days a week. Even though I’m only out of the house 2-3 hours at a time, I wouldn’t be able to do this at all without Kathryn’s willingness to step up and help with the younger kids. She’s having a wonderful attitude about it all, and it’s so nice to come home to everybody getting along so nicely.
Bottom left: a kooky fish called a Sarcastic Fringehead. Who named that thing?
I plan Scout’s tablework but even on the days I’m gone in the morning, Kathryn can oversee and provide help if needed — then Kathryn and I can work through algebra or watch ocean documentaries, etc, later. I’m happy the kids all see me working towards goals and continuing my own education because it’s what I hope they’ll do, no matter what age.
Happy weekend, friends!
Wife, mom, J-ma. Introvert who enjoys good books, sunshine, and authentic conversation. Often seen with a steaming mug of tea in hand – unless it’s lost yet again in the microwave. Read more »
_I’m happy the kids all see me working towards goals and continuing my own education because it’s what I hope they’ll do, no matter what age._ Yes! I feel exactly the same – continuing to learn and grow is a lifetime process.
Yes! But the never-stop-learning things is such a mindset change for many folks!
Looks like a pretty busy week to me. I love super boy!! 🙂 And girl, I am so so proud of you chasing down your fitness goal. Git it girl!
Aw, thank you, friend! 🙂
I am continuing my own education, too! I just signed up for a class that will take me away from the home for a few hours, once per week, next fall. I’m busy planning “curriculum” for my big kid to teach to my little kid while I’m gone 🙂
Woohoo! Way to go, Leslie! 🙂 What kind of class?
With both my hubby and I working outside the home, we had to teach our kids to be as independent as possible with their studies or find curriculums that would virtually teach for us. Homeschooling allows us so much flexibility as a family and has made the kids great independent learners. I’m visiting from Weekly Wrap UP.