
Week-end: links & life {vol. 13}

“When the spirits are low, when the day appears dark, when work becomes monotonous, when hope hardly seems worth having, just mount a bicycle and go out for a spin down the road, without thought on anything but the ride you are taking.”
– Arthur Conan Doyle

beach view from my bicycle

Oh my goodness, y’all, I am wishing for a sunny day on my blue bicycle, breathing the salt air, and near enough to hear the ocean. This photo is a throwback from our last beach trip, but we’ve already planned our next visit!

from around the web

on the blog (in case you missed ’em):

right here at home

Homeschool-wise, nothing vastly exciting to report, which is entirely okay with me. We’ve enlisted a math-minded friend to help explain concepts that have had me and Kathryn both wanting to bang our heads on something; our workbox is still working well for Scout (who got a cute new ‘do this week!); and the boy is convinced that his upcoming 6th birthday means he will immediately become a 1st grader.


Piper starts obedience classes next week. This is a really good thing because a high-energy dog is challenging, and a smart one even more so. Example: she unzipped her bed before shredding the contents. And that was when I’d only left the house for 20 minutes!

* * * * *
Linking again with Kris and Mary.


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Tina stone

Pipers going to school!!! I know you all are excited.

Sweets for your sweet made me want to lick the screen. Our Valentine’s Day will not consist of any chocolates or goodies as there is a stomach flu having its way with the head of the house!

Have a good weekend!


I’m amazed by your patience with a wild and crazy dog. This introvert would go crazy. I am content with my quiet kitty. You must be a saint!

Stef Layton

your dog IG shots always make me laugh!